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Loving the System 11s tonight

I think it just illustrates how nice it is to have a change of pace. Switching eras is fun.

I would have 6 games from every decade from the 50's to now ........if space and $$$$ made it so:rolleyes:
I would also add that in order to get the king of the hill music you also have to complete one of the most demanding jackpot shots in pinball. It is a true jackpot shot and deserves the best toons in pinball.

Complete the 4 banks of 3x standups, this can be done over the course of the game
Then hit the relevant 4 shots in the upper pf, this can be done over the course of the game
Lock the ball in the upper pf to start the two ball multiball
Thread a very tight shot into the saucer through the pops
Get the other ball back to the upper pf within 20 seconds
Ge to the top of the upper pf, then you have one shot at the captive ball. I might hit it once out of four
If you miss you get the remainder of your 20 seconds to have another go before the saucer kicks the ball out

Fabulous, fabulous stuff

Modern Sterns give out jackpots like machine guns. On system 11 games you had to earn them
Did it last night David.

What's the general consensus on Big Guns?

I've got one as a project to restore (when I get the time!). Have only played it briefly (at one of the shows) and it seemed ok with a good selection of shots/goals.

Just not sure if it will be a keeper...
What's the general consensus on Big Guns?

I can't stand the game personally but there are some that like it so I guess its a middle of the road game. One of the weaker System 11's for me but not as bad as Bugs Bunny for example :thumbs:
No bumpers but love the big backbox. Poor mans MM. first game with catapults . Side art looks like they ran out of budget lol
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