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Long time no see


i like pizza
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ealing, London
Hi all, some may remember me as I used to hang around this place like a bad smell. Got extremely obsessed over about 7 years, ended up having over 100 machines pass through my hands and with a collection of 25 that I gradually sold off often my divorce as times were financially tricky.

Anyway now I’m thinking of emerging from under my rock. Saw a few of you at my housewarming party in Ealing a month ago and was gonna make an appearance at Swavesey but at the last minute I got a local party invite and my nephew wanted to come stay the weekend. So when is the next one? I still have 2 machines and a box load of crap I’d like to sell for beer money.IMG_1662.jpeg
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when is it happening?
i am unavailable from 10th August to 1st September as i will be busy having an awesome tome with my son, getting completely monged off my tits, and enjoying the worldly pleasures of Macchu Picchu, Lake Titicaca the Amazon rainforest, and the Bolivian saltflats. you all have fun at Daventry roundabout it that clashes.


  • my shirt.jpg
    my shirt.jpg
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And with that one comment I’m guessing you are unlikely to be going to the UK open in croydon 😂

I wonder what other pit falls you might stumble into after 7 years absence?

Probably best not to use any references to Mexican workers….

Other highlights of the last 7 years included declaring the Munsters as the being best game ever or everyone going gaga over the JJP guns n roses before discovering the game play.

Parking in Daventry was also far from risk free.

30 or so games have probably come out. Been declared as fantastic and then been forgotten about as we all moved on.

You’re probably pretty much all caught up now.
did they finally make Pynyrd Skynyrd?
with a tremelo arm you can use to..... i dunno, make a big magnet go on and off or something?

can we sear on here?
****ing ****s
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