i only attend league meets for the social aspects : i'm crap at pinball so it's not for the scores, and i'm lucky enough to have pins at home, so it's not to play, particularly. that also means i won't travel to the venues to post up scores, tbh, not if it'll just be me on my tod failing with nobody to laugh with. when i started going to meetings, i knew nobody so the pinball was front and centre, nowadays i know lots of pinheads so the meets are just an excuse to see them, and sometimes i only get to play a handful of games, but spend the time talking and acting the goat. i guess i won't see any of the other crap players again then until the shows. oh well. Matt knows i love him to bits anyway so he won't take this personally.
this move is more geared towards younger players i reckon, and will probably appeal to them with the online angle, less nerds about (like me) and also it'll be good for the machine cashboxes, so good luck with it as anything that increases both op takings and youth interest has to be good for the hobby as a whole. with that in mind, @Matt Vince i think you need a souped-up London League website with as much functionality as you can afford to add. maybe strapped on to this forum?

this move is more geared towards younger players i reckon, and will probably appeal to them with the online angle, less nerds about (like me) and also it'll be good for the machine cashboxes, so good luck with it as anything that increases both op takings and youth interest has to be good for the hobby as a whole. with that in mind, @Matt Vince i think you need a souped-up London League website with as much functionality as you can afford to add. maybe strapped on to this forum?