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Level, Preston. Pilot Competition Event

Ian I have responded to attend. Please could you also add my brother Richard and his partner Jane to the list as they are not on pinballinfo. Thanks. Paul
Good luck with this Ian mate . . . excellent venue and I'm sure it will be a hoot.
At 24/25 now. Entered so far:

Alan Jones (not Johnson)
Andrew Ellis
Andy Broom
Andy Foster
Cheryl Ellis
Clare Johnson
Darren Ball
Donald Gauld
Jane Young
John Parkins
Johnathan Czultowna
Luke Wells
Matt Carr
Mike Kellythorne
Paul Garner
Paul Owen
Richard Barber
Ricky Cooper
Sam Zucconni
Simon Ashton
Simon Wolstenholme
Stuart Judson
Tim Knowles
Wayne Russell


4 weeks to go
Last edited:
At 19/25 now. Entered so far:

Alan Johnson
Andy Broom
Andy Foster
Clare Johnson
Darren Ball
Donald Gauld
Ian Walmsley
Jane Young
John Parkins
Luke Wells
Mike Kellythorne
Paul Garner
Paul Owen
Richard Barber
Sam Zucconni
Simon Ashton
Stuart Judson
Tim Knowles

5 weeks to go
I have just used the registration link for myself.
Can you put Cheryl's name down as well please.
We would not be able to commit to a league, but we can make this as a one off.
For anyone registering, can you please PM me your full name and email address. If you just RSVP I might not know you and be able to add you to the event mailing list.
2 weeks to go people, waiting list is open if anyone else wants to sign up
All final details will go to everyone on the mailing list later on next week with timings, food details and how the format works
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