After reading this thread it seems almost all the discussion has been about LED ghosting and eliminating it. There are several causes and different solutions depending upon the era of your pin.
But although LED OCD offers one solution to LED ghosting and flicker, that's not it's
primary goal:
Why? What are you trying to fix?
LEDs are great for improving the colors and lighting up dim inserts, but pinball machines were designed to use incandescent bulbs. LEDs can look harsh and have flicker issues due to the way lamps are controlled. LED OCD allows you to customize how lamps are controlled in order to make them react more like incandescent bulbs, or just better in general.
I think the key phrase there is "react more like incandescent bulbs". Looking at the videos on the website the most obvious change is that the LEDs fade in and out in a very similar fashion to the way incandescent bulbs behave due to the inherent warm-up and cool-down of the element. Look at the way the vertical run of centre inserts "glide" from one to the next with LED OCD as the chase runs up the table instead of harshly changing chop-chop-chop one to the next without: