I was hoping not to have to comment again on this issue and certainly not quite so soon after my post last year.
However, unfortunately there was an incident at the South East league meet on Sunday where a player broke the glass in frustration. Thankfully the person had the decency to offer to pay for the glass but this does not detract from the severity of the incident.
This type of behaviour is totally out of order especially when most of the time meets are hosted by people in their homes on their pride and joys and is very disrepectful to the host and indeed other players.
We have disqualified the player from the meet which is considered to be the least of sanctions that could be applied and we will continue to enforce strong penalties for anyone seen to be abusing machines regardless of whether it results in as much damage as on Sunday.
So another reminder please to watch your behaviour at meets.
I know there was a lot of ribbing about my earlier post regarding loud talking and being too close to other players but this was just common sense to respect and not distract other players. However, this recent incident is in another league altogether (wish it was another league and not ours!)
I also need to remind and reiterate regarding swearing especially when young children are present as we've received a number of comments about this in different regions over the last year.
Neither of these types of behaviour will encourage new players or hosts to open up their houses. I know for a fact that we've lost potential hosts because of this which is a great shame.
The league started out as a fun and social event and an excuse to meet up with other players to play some pinball. Lets' try and remember that and try to not take it all quite so seriously!
However, unfortunately there was an incident at the South East league meet on Sunday where a player broke the glass in frustration. Thankfully the person had the decency to offer to pay for the glass but this does not detract from the severity of the incident.
This type of behaviour is totally out of order especially when most of the time meets are hosted by people in their homes on their pride and joys and is very disrepectful to the host and indeed other players.
We have disqualified the player from the meet which is considered to be the least of sanctions that could be applied and we will continue to enforce strong penalties for anyone seen to be abusing machines regardless of whether it results in as much damage as on Sunday.
So another reminder please to watch your behaviour at meets.
I know there was a lot of ribbing about my earlier post regarding loud talking and being too close to other players but this was just common sense to respect and not distract other players. However, this recent incident is in another league altogether (wish it was another league and not ours!)
I also need to remind and reiterate regarding swearing especially when young children are present as we've received a number of comments about this in different regions over the last year.
Neither of these types of behaviour will encourage new players or hosts to open up their houses. I know for a fact that we've lost potential hosts because of this which is a great shame.
The league started out as a fun and social event and an excuse to meet up with other players to play some pinball. Lets' try and remember that and try to not take it all quite so seriously!