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LCD vs LED Colour DMD - Which One?

My CV has an LED one in dude, more than welcome to check it out and fiddle with the settings to make sure you like it. I thought there were brightness controlls but couldn't remember but thinking back now I remember turning it down a LOT 😂
There was one in mine when I had it and that must have been turned down quite a bit as well. I didn’t mind led in that one, suited it.
Remember if you find your LED too bright and harsh I do replacement tinted DMD screens for most pins. This also cuts down on reflections.

Colin’s tinted dmd screens are a must have for LED boards - not for brightness but to hide the pixels makes it look must nicer (and similar to what stern do on the red DMDs!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Good question, I've never owned either but LCD looks like it suited Simpsons Pinball Party.
I put an LED on my old TSPP and it looked fantastic. It's such a massive improvement on that game. I chose that over the LCD as I didn't like the jagged stepped appearance of curves e.g. a 0 looks like someone made it out of Lego.
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