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John Wick by Stern

I like the bit where he waves his gun around 🤣

Gonzo take note, need to up your game dude, pistol whip Spencer or something.

Not sure about the lack of guns keeping Disney happy? Counted 8 guns just on the translite of Mando.
On the permium looks like John Wick is holding a whopping graet big sword, don't see how thats woke.

We're a little more dignified in the UK thank you very much.

However I am willing to wave a manchette and steal someone's mobile phone whilst riding pillion on a moped.
We're a little more dignified in the UK thank you very much.

However I am willing to wave a manchette and steal someone's mobile phone whilst riding pillion on a moped.
Doesn't matter how big the machette is, its impossible to be intimidated by a grown man riding a scooter.
Now that would be a dream theme, being fair to Hardy, if I had a gun, I would be waving that **** around all day.

Last week I was buying petrol, in the queue someone doing their whole weekly shop, insted of waving a gun about causing mayhem, I just sort of tutted under my breath, but so they could hear and I think it had the same effect.
does it really matter there isn’t a gun on the playfield
well, no sh1t sherlock (Cary). How are they going to censor it in the settings if it has guns plastered all over it.

"I'm pro 2nd amendment" So they had to censor the alcohol on Nascar but guns is ok? I am one of the few in the UK that used to shoot handguns and I used to enjoy Cary Hardy but I had to turn that off as it is just embarrassing.
I don't mind paying a premium for a dream theme . . . I loved Joe Wicks during Covid.

LOL Three for three! You on fire Gonz.

@Pick Holder it was actually the neon skyline I had my eye on as that would play right into my hands, but to be honest I'm starting to doubt whether sales numbers are going to be good for this title. The playfield art, weird layout, weird toys and now the fallout over the guns thing, while ridiculous is a *major* deal in the states. The reveal video did well at hiding a lot of things, but there's other videos about and I'm not sure it's going to have enough oomph to get past this hurdle.

Just can't see it at the moment.
LOL Three for three! You on fire Gonz.

@Pick Holder it was actually the neon skyline I had my eye on as that would play right into my hands, but to be honest I'm starting to doubt whether sales numbers are going to be good for this title. The playfield art, weird layout, weird toys and now the fallout over the guns thing, while ridiculous is a *major* deal in the states. The reveal video did well at hiding a lot of things, but there's other videos about and I'm not sure it's going to have enough oomph to get past this hurdle.

Just can't see it at the moment.
The gun thing is just bizarre. It’s like someone in the development process decided to make it a culture war issue (despite the films themselves containing a lot of guns) :oops:
Think the skyline is already illuminated? something with dynamic lighting, or another layer behind to really add depth could look epic, there's something about buildings that really works with pinball, like you are the ball traversing the city, not sure what Davey's spotted that I'm missing, the layout looks cookie cutter fan, perhaps the main downside and the two ramps on the right look very tight to say how far back they are. Overall liking what we've seen so far.
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The steps of release/announcement of a new major themed pinball. (From any supplier)

Before any pics or details

1a. This is going to be epic but I wish manufacturer X got it they'd do it more justice than manufacturer Y.
1b They should have done this theme instead.

Pics released

2a (if it's your preferred manufacturer)
It looks brilliant, in for an LE.
2b (if it's not your preferred manufacturer)
I'm out (even though you were never in)

Gameplay/rules released

3. I can't believe they missed x out (shark swallowing ball), or any other idea that the individual relates to the theme.

People get to play the game

4a (people who own the game)
It's brilliant - best game since last one.
4b (people who have played on site)
It's good but lacking code, has potential
4c (people who were never going to buy one)
Told you it would be garbage.

Within a week of game being released

5. Shed load of poorly thought out overpriced tat sold as must have mods.
6 People start finding ways to add their own movie clips or music.

6 months after release

7. Some people will like it, some won't. Most won't have changed their mind from step 1 - especially if they've posted online.
Just copied this from the Blues Brothers thread to prove a point.
1 - I don't know about anyone else, but there didn't seem to be much of a gap between rumours and official release compared to previously? Saying that there's still people referencing Matrix.
2b - Majority of people saying that there's better games out there are referencing non-Stern games
3 - replace Jaws swallowing ball with no guns on playfield.

Wonder how closely things will follow the prediction as time goes by?
The world of licensing is very strange sometimes. Guns in a game’s artwork a no-no, but apparently fine being fired at people on the game’s screen. The holder’s policy - not Stern’s, apparently.
Having said that, it’s nowhere near as strange as the world of the southern states. They’re never going to grow out of their weapon fixation so Cary’s been, er, triggered.

I quite like John Wick movies. This leaves me a bit cold so far even though I couldn’t give a monkey’s about gun drawings.
A modder should swap out the weapons cache for a pencil case. Mr Wick’s pretty lethal with a pencil.
Think the skyline is already illuminated? something with dynamic lighting, or another layer behind to really add depth could look epic, there's something about buildings that really works with pinball, like you are the ball traversing the city, not sure what Davey's spotted that I'm missing, the layout looks cookie cutter fan, perhaps the main downside and the two ramps on the right look very tight to say how far back they are. Overall liking what we've seen so far.

It's illuminated in the sense that they are all flat plastic edge lit green acrylics, so lots of scope to do something a bit more interesting, 3D, and interactive.

Yeah extremely tight shots, both for the drop target gap to the trapped pop, and the gap to the right of the car. Too many bash targets - car, newton AND briefcase. Between the numerous bash targets, the trapped pop and the tight shots, I feel like it's going to have flow issues and play clunky. The toys overall are just weird too, especially that ring thing on the left.

Gomez blaming the licensor for the no guns thing is complete b0llocks.
Not a theme I was getting excited about before the reveal. But I did think this could be pretty cool with dual shooter plungers, loading balls into a clip on the playfield etc etc. But nope none of that instead the yanks are going nuts over not even having a gun on the playfield art.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 10.37.55.png

The good I think is the art looks ok, the colours and the neon look is really nice. The option for adding expression lighting kit rails and speakers on the Pro and Premium is good, hopefully they continue this option on all releases going forward. Though I reckon by the time you add expression lighting to a premium you'll be putting out near JJP money, for us in the UK that is.

So far I think it looks decent and likely plays and feels like most of the Sterns, fun but nothing really special and unique that draws you in unless you are a massive fan of the theme.
Just copied this from the Blues Brothers thread to prove a point.
1 - I don't know about anyone else, but there didn't seem to be much of a gap between rumours and official release compared to previously? Saying that there's still people referencing Matrix.
2b - Majority of people saying that there's better games out there are referencing non-Stern games
3 - replace Jaws swallowing ball with no guns on playfield.

Wonder how closely things will follow the prediction as time goes by?
I love your 1-7. It both feels a convincing reading of Pinside threads but, also, perhaps a little too cynical in practice 😈

There seems to be a group of people who get very noisy and angry on Pinside, who behave exactly like that, but I also think there are a lot of buyers - probably the vast majority - who don't do that stuff.

I still find it amazing that I get about one Houdini owner (always Houdini) per year DMing me to complain about my review - I don't understand the pin, it's different at home, blah blah. Then, there are the people who up-rate literally every positive review of their favoured manufacturer and down-rate every review of rival manufacturers, like they're supporting rival football teams 🤷‍♂️

It does seem to be primarily a 'Stern' phenomenon though. The Elton John forums, for example, tend to be pretty quiet apart from people turning up every now and then to insult JJP - despite, usually, not having played the pin they've arrived to complain about. No one was excited by Elton John, so they didn't get to be disappointed by it either. The same seems to go for the other smaller manufacturers (except American Pinball who, for some reason, attract really angry fans).

So far I think it looks decent and likely plays and feels like most of the Sterns, fun but nothing really special and unique that draws you in unless you are a massive fan of the theme.

Yeah. This is me. Three of the pins I've bought NIB, I purchased after playing them with no prior interest. I remember being completely 'blah' about Godzilla, played it, and ordered one of the first Prems into the UK. I spent a couple of years on a waiting list for TNA after stumbling into one in the corner in Pinball Republic, playing a game, and Googling it furiously. I'm currently waiting for an Elton John despite not being a fan of the theme and being 'okay' (shrug) about previous JJPs.

I'm completely 'meh' about John Wick. It may be amazing when I play it, but I won't know until I do. It does look to have the mediocre production values and odd design choices of about 70% of modern Sterns (the remaining 30% are up there with the best of the Bally-Williams era). No manufacturer is going to be uniformly good producing three pins a year and I guess the solution is not to buy the ones that turn out to be not that great 🤷‍♂️

But, you know, the Stern army on Pinside seem to get super-mad if they can't buy a new pin, sight unseen, every three months because it has insufficient guns, or the shark doesn't eat the ball...
Shark not eating to ball was ridiculous and there was a valid design decision behind it.

No guns on film franchise that is essentially built around ultra violence and gun porn and then blaming the brand even though every other JW licensee has guns everywhere is mind boggling. And I'm anti gun.
There seems to be a group of people who get very noisy and angry on Pinside, who behave exactly like that
It's not exclusive to Pinside - it's exactly the same in this thread, and every other thread with a new machine announcement.
Theme means nothing to me but layout looks good and the music ticks my box.

Hopefully some deadpool owners will need to release funds lol
LE almost twice the price of the pro. OOOOOF!
Yip since LE Foo Fighters. Venom, Jaws and now Joh Wick all a couple hundred short of £16k. And to think the yanks are going crazy over the Stern LE $13k pricing, it's getting close to $20k here for an LE unfortunately. They priced way out my league thats for sure 😂
I don’t think people will be buying them if they think they are going to drop that much in a few months
Depends what JJP do with Matrix and guns as to how well this survives the drop. If it's half decent, this will not be the Keanu franchise to invest in.
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