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John Wick by Stern

Played this for the first time at Retroids today. Really enjoyed it, able to pick up different multiball and modes quite quickly so feel there’s something for the less obsessed and deeper rules for longer sessions. Noisy bar but heard some good sound effects. Did like the more retro art. Various satisfying shots.

Then had some games on Jaws. Played this a few times now. For me, if I washed up on a desert island with these two games, Jaws would definitely be supplying the firewood first.
Jaws is very good. After playing this today for the first time at Retroids I'm hooked. The flow on this is nuts, left and middle ramps are the most satisfying shots as they are the tightest. It is FAST, If you can dial in on this game it's so addictive. Not too sure how I started the multiballs, I think hitting the car and to spell out WINSTON but maybe not? You can really combo the ramps and orbits but that middle and left ramp is tight. Starting modes I think was by hitting that big brown thing on the right then there is a hole it goes into. Oh boy that just sounds wrong !!!
Let us know how it plays lads!! 🤪
Updated to the latest code. First up, this is not for an inexperienced player, its more Iron Man level of difficulty. Its John Wick, this is how it should be.
All the shots are makeable but the left scoop needs tweaking to stop it sdtm every time. I may drop the kick out power.
This thing flows which leads to a fast game. Although on 0.86 it honestly feels like its complete.
Music is pumping dance with plenty of variation, when they said it was by anthrax I wondered how that would work. Screen is lovely, real hi definition and a lot of JW.

literally the first plunge it said "will someone please get this man a gun". I have no idea why the muricans had issue, theres guns everywhere and no censoring of the clips I can see.

In all, this is going to be a monster sleeper if no one wakes up to it.
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I put quite a few games on the pro in retroids yesterday and enjoyed it. There's not enough there for me to buy one but I'll happily play one when I come across 1. Shots weren't as tight as had been led to believe and found it quite flowy. Pity it was very noisy in retroids so no idea what the sound was like. I'm pretty sure the playfield is warped on that one ( Dan Williams thought the same too), a real fight to nudge the ball back in from both outlanes. That upper pop bumper area ...what a complete waste of space.
Yes agree that a novice would walk away from this, I feel it doesn't give you too much guidance in regards to what you need to shoot for either. I've already said it's fast and flows beautifully, looks like quite a marmite pin. I'd need to play in a home environment to appreciate it more like other games. If you miss that centre or left ramp though, it punishes you !!!
Have similarly played a handful of games on the one at Retroids, it definitely punishes you if you miss (especially the central shots - the stuff to the side is normally survivable).

I agree with Glen that it could do a bit more to guide you in terms of actually getting into modes, I hadn’t done any rules homework beforehand and found that I was just stumbling into modes by making a few shots and then right scoop. No idea if/what to stack in this game yet. Once in the modes, it was much clearer what to shoot.

My feeling is that this will end up being a good tournament machine, ball times much shorter than Jaws / GZ / Foo and could be comparable to BKSOR.
Yes agree that a novice would walk away from this, I feel it doesn't give you too much guidance in regards to what you need to shoot for either. I've already said it's fast and flows beautifully, looks like quite a marmite pin. I'd need to play in a home environment to appreciate it more like other games. If you miss that centre or left ramp though, it punishes you !!!
Pretty much what everyone said about Tron when that first came out....
Put half a dozen or so games on this last night at @Epotech 's.
Game is brilliant and much better than what I was expecting following all of the negative comments from people who hadn't played and only seen streams.

As always I tackled this the same way I approach any new game. Namely not watching any streams, or even look at the playfield or rules.
It didn't take long to figure out how to light locks for 1 mb (Winston captive ball) or progress towards another (car), or start a mode (job).
After a few games and getting the feel for where balls returned from making a shot, I took a look at Tilt Forums to get some idea of rules.
From there it all became much more obvious and opened up other strategies.
Despite not being fully coded yet (0.86) there is already so much in there to keep you going.

There are definitely some tweaks needed to improve the feeds, left orbit to sdtm is particularly annoying, but that's the same with any NIB game, or indeed any game that's setup after being moved.

I imagine that people who have bought this are going to be extremely happy with with it.
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Had one game last night on the le and I really liked it I thought it wasn’t too bad and n what you where supposed to be shooting for was pretty obvious nice flow not too brutal and I had good ball time looking forward to unboxing my premium and getting some games on it Saturday
I skipped the first code updates and did the latest one yesterday, some nice changes I think although I'm not a deep code, know every rule or move type person.
Tweaked my apron screen and added crate mod I made. Still working out sounds and have been playing around with Pinball Browser.

Enjoying the game so far.


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