New code!
* NOTE * - Upgrading to this version of software will reset all High Score tables, Audits, and Adjustments. Any potential future updates will retain these settings.
- Flight of Icarus - all mode display videos updated and sound effects adjusted
- Flight of Icarus - added value needed to qualify Soul Shard on the background display effect
- Flight of Icarus - upper beacon in back right corner will pulse when the Soul Shard is qualified
- Flight of Icarus - added speech for qualifying Soul Shard
- Flight of Icarus - added bailout shot at Bullseye when you qualify Soul Shard, continue to build value at Ramps or shoot Bullseye to advance to Soul Shard Hurry Up
- Revive - all display videos updated and sound effects adjusted
- Revive - spinner value is boosted when Revive is maxed out (both outlane saves already lit, +150k/spin)
- Revive - added new display effect to show number of spins left for next letter
- Revive - added new display effect for 'Revive Maxed' to show the value of the maxed spin building
- Revive - added Left Spinner Flasher light pulse when Revive is Maxed
- Revive - added speech calls as each letter in R-E-V-I-V-E is collected
- Revive - added a variety of speech calls when Revive is collected
- Revive - added light show when each letter is collected
- Revive - added more generous handling when in a multiball and a ball drains down the outlane when Revive is lit during ball saver grace periods
- Revive - letter collect and Revive collect display effects now made full screen
- Cyborg Multiball - all display videos updated
- Cyborg Multiball - added Cyborg Jackpot display effect and sound effects
- Cyborg Multiball - Cyborg Jackpot display effect now made full screen
- Cyborg Multiball - added 10 second grace period time ran out speech
- Two Minutes To Midnight - Super Jackpot display effect now made full screen
- Aces High - added a kill tracker to the background display effect to track 'Aces High Air Ace'
- Aces High - improved Soul Shard detection logic
- Aces High - Super Jackpot display effect has been made full screen
- Aces High - added sound effects to the total screen
- Aces High - fixed an issue with display effects that get queued up during a grace period award carrying over to next Aces High mode
- Fear of the Dark - added spinner combo (Right Spinner -> Left Spinner will cause Left Spinner to score 4x instead of 2x)
- Rime of the Ancient Mariner - improved Soul Shard detection logic
- Hallowed Be Thy Name - adjusted text awards to cover up less of Eddie's face
- Battle Modes - Eddie letter hard difficulty (Left Ramp / Right Ramp) replaced with random shots that move around when collected
- Battle Modes - changed Eddie letter collect sound effect
- Battle Modes - added Eddie letter collect light show flash
- Battle Modes - fixed an issue where the Eddie letter collect arrow would not flash red every time
- Battle Modes - mini loop is now always lit for an Eddie letter collection during spellout phase
- Battle Modes - adding a variety of mode failed speech for Eddie modes that don't result in a collected Soul Shard
- Battle Modes - all mode start and total display effects have been made full screen
- Battle Modes - all modes now award 500K just by starting them
- Skill Shots - all display effects have been made full screen
- Sarcophagus Lock - display effect has been made full screen
- Mummy Multiball - fixed an issue where the total screen could get into a endless state causing timed modes to continue forever
- Mummy Multiball - Super Jackpot display effect has been made full screen
- Trooper Locks - display effect has been made full screen
- Trooper Locks - sound effects have been updated
- Trooper Multiball - fixed an issue where Super Jackpots were not being seen because of lower priority
- Trooper Multiball - Super Jackpot display effect has been made full screen
- Trooper Multiball - added a start mode light show
- Soul Shard - fixed an issue where Soul Shard Collect Awards were not being seen because of lower priority
- Soul Shard - fixed an issue where Soul Shard drain out on final ball would result in Soul Shard background showing up in Attract mode
- Soul Shard - award display effect has been made full screen
- Soul Shard - added Hurry Up fail speech
- Tomb Award - display effect has now been made full screen
- Number of the Beast - improved Tilt Warning and Tilt handling
- Run to the Hills - allow players to get to Run to the Hills more than once in a game
- Loop Jackpots - hitting mini loop during Loop Jackpot round will reset the timer based on new default for 'LOOP JACKPOT TIMER BOOST' adjustment being 'RESET TIMER'
- Death Blow - added a timer for death blows, light effect on upper right flipper flasher to indicate they are available
- Mystery - added callouts for qualifying Orb and collecting Orb awards
- High Score Tables - fixed bug in forward navigation of the Obelisk, was skipping a page
- Pop Bumpers - pop bumper light show improvements
- General Illumination - left pop bumper flasher now behaves as the rest of GI when not being used
- Outlane Drain - added more variety on speech calls
- Last Ball Outlane Drain - adding Beast display effect to last ball drain
- Last Ball Outlane Drain - adding new Beast callouts to last ball drain speech
- Bonus - added a bonus lightshow
- Bonus - changed bonus X sound effect
- Bonus - bonus X countup is now faster
- Bonus - move music fade out from when Bonus meltdown starts to when Bonus screen comes up
- Game Mode Menu - added Game Mode Menu accessed by holding both flippers, options are Normal Game, Competition, and DJ Mixer (note: DJ Mixer only available in Free Play)
- DJ Mixer - select this option from the Game Mode Menu to listen to all 12 Iron Maiden songs in their entirety (Free Play Only)
- Extra Ball - display effect has been made full screen
- Extra Ball Lit - display effect has been made full screen
- Replay - adding sound effects and speech
- Tilt - speech for Tilt now has a higher percentage chance of insulting the player
- Song Select - after Bonus countup fade make sure the attenuation isn't reset until the Song Select is started again so that a blip of the previous song isn't heard
- Song Select - fix an issue where adding credits during Song Select would dismiss the screen and not bring it back
- Attract - adding pricing information to lower left corner of Attract screens
- Attract - updated Legacy of the Beast tour dates
- Switch Test - fixing an issue where you can hear a plunge sound effect during Switch Test
- Startup - added custom Iron Maiden: Legacy of the Beast graphic
- Adjustment Changes:
- added 'DJ MIXER BACKGROUND' - default: RANDOM - randomly chooses 1 of 6 background types to play for the DJ Mixer session, change this to lock in your favorite
- added 'POP BUMPER POWER' - default: 32 (min: 8 / max: 32)
- added 'DROP TARGET BANK RESET POWER' - default: 64 (min: 35 / max: 64)
- added 'SONG SELECT EVERY BALL' - default: YES - set to NO to only see Song Selection screen on the first ball
- added 'START GAME FROM LOCKDOWN BUTTON' - default: NO - set to YES to start a game from the lockdown button if your game is modified to have one
- changed 'LOOP JACKPOT TIMER BOOST' - default: 'RESET TIMER' which resets the timer for mini loops (min: 0 = no timer boost / max: 10)
- changed 'LEFT FLIPPER POWER' - default: 240 (min: 100 / max: 255) - removed preset SOFT / NORMAL / HARD
- changed 'RIGHT FLIPPER POWER' - default: 250 (min: 100 / max: 255) - removed preset SOFT / NORMAL / HARD
- changed 'UPPER LEFT FLIPPER POWER' - default: 190 (min: 100 / max: 255) - removed preset SOFT / NORMAL / HARD
- changed 'UPPER RIGHT FLIPPER POWER' - default: 225 (min: 100 / max: 255) - removed preset SOFT / NORMAL / HARD
- changed 'LOOPS TO AWARD EXTRA BALL' - default: from 50 to 30 (min: 20 / max: 60)
- 'ADD-A-BALL BALL SAVE TIMER' - minimum changed from 2 to 5
- 'ACES HIGH BALL SAVE TIME' - minimum changed from 2 to 5
- 'RIME/MARINER BALL SAVE TIME' - minimum changed from 2 to 8
- 'CYBORG MULTIBALL BALL SAVE TIME' - minimum changed from 2 to 12
- 'TROOPER MULTIBALL BALL SAVE TIME' - minimum changed from 2 to 8
- 'MUMMY MULTIBALL BALL SAVE TIME' - minimum changed from 2 to 8
- 'TROUGH EJECT POWER' - minimum changed from 176 to 64
- System - Updated to V2.64
- Updated to nodeboard firmware v0.65.0
- When starting a game ramp the backbox GI from "ATTRACT MODE B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" to
- When ending a game ramp the backbox GI from "GAME PLAY B.BOX BRIGHTNESS" to
- New Standard Adjustment "START BUTTON ATTRACT MODE ILLUM."
This adjustment, which is only available and active when the game is in FREE PLAY mode, controls
the behavior of the Start Button Light.
Values are:
"ALWAYS OFF" - Start Button Light is always off when in attract mode.
"BLINKING" - Start Button Light will blink when in attract mode. This is the DEFAULT and previous behavior.
"ALWAYS ON" - Start Button Light is always on when in attract mode.
- Update TARGET_GAME_TIME adjustment to ensure a minimal ballsaver even after
the target game time is met.
- Do not display LOCATING NODE BOARD at boot when coin door interlock switch
has disabled node board power.
- Improve backbox and cabinet audio synchronization.
- Update the HSTD reset counter when the Standard Adjustment is changed.
- Added TARGET_GAME_TIME adjustment, accessible when the BALL_SAVE_TIME
adjustment is enabled.
TARGET_GAME_TIME enables a multi-use ball saver, whose duration is
dynamically calculated for each ball to help ensure the player has
a guaranteed amount of play time per game.
TARGET_GAME_TIME has a range of 1m 30s to 3m 00s and defaults to
NO_TARGET_TIME (disabled).
When disabled a traditional single-use BALL_SAVE_TIME ball saver will be
used for each ball in play.
When enabled the first ball of play will have a multi-use ball saver of
BALL_SAVE_TIME sec. The second ball will have a multi-use ball saver
which is 25% of (TARGET_GAME_TIME - player_game_time).
The third and beyond will have a multi-use ball saver which is 50% of
(TARGET_GAME_TIME - player_game_time).
- Rename Util->Volume->Speaker Balance to Speaker Fade. This adjusts the volume
levels of the cabinet (front) and backbox (back) speakers. The term Balance
was misleading and implied adjusting the level of the left and right backbox speakers.
- Added UTIL->VOL Adjustment "SELECT AUDIO FILTER". Values are:
"NONE", "HIGH/LOW SHELF", and "10 BAND EQ". Default value is "HIGH/LOW SHELF".
"NONE": No filtering will be performed on the audio output. Useful when using
the Line Out as input for an external device.
"HIGH/LOW SHELF": A High/Low Shelf Filter is applied to the audio output.
The Bass Frequency can be set to: 125Hz, 250Hz, or Disabled.
The Treble Frequency can be set to: 4KHz, 8KHz, or Disabled.
The Gain can be set to -12dB .. +12dB
On Spike 2 the Shelf Frequency and Gain can be set independently for the BackBox and Cabinet speakers.
"10 BAND EQ": A full 10 Band EQ is applied to the audio output.
Sliders are used to adjust the Gain of a specific range of frequencies.
The Frequencies are: 31Hz, 62Hz, 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 4KHz, 8KHz, 16KHz.
The Gain curve has a 60dB dynamic range across the -120 .. +120 Slider settings.
On Spike2 the Gain can be set independently for the BackBox and Cabinet speakers.
- Allow the knocker sound effect to play completely when a replay is
awarded during the last ball bonus and ensure the normal game
volume is restored.
- Added Standard Adjustment "MAX PLAYERS PER GAME". Values are 1 to 4,
with a default setting of 4. This can be used to limit the number
of players that can be added to a game.
- Added Service Menu selection UTIL->ENDGAME. This selection is only available
when there is an active game. When selected the operator will be prompted
to confirm that they wish to end the current game. Once confirmed and upon
exiting the Service Menu, the game will be in attract mode.
- Added Standard Adjustment "ALLOW LEFT+START TO END GAME". Values are:
"NEVER", "FREE PLAY ONLY", and "ALWAYS". Default value is "NEVER".
During an active game, if the LEFT FLIPPER+START BUTTONs are held for
two seconds, the game will be ended.
- Added Standard Audit "TOTAL PLAYS ENDED", which will track the number of times
a game is ended via the Service Menu or FLIPPER+START BUTTONs.
- Added Standard Adjustment "CREDIT FORMAT". Values are:
For a USA coindoor when inserting three quarters:
"REDUCED FRACTION" would display "1/4", "1/2", "3/4"
"ACTUAL FRACTION" would display "1/4", "2/4", "3/4"
- Update Italian translation of "ENTER INITIALS" to "INSERISCI LE TUE INIZIALI"
- Coin door interlock switch support for Spike2.
- Updated instructions for RESTORE SETTINGS.
- Reordered items in UTIL->VOL, moved CABINET SPEAKER TYPE to be after
- Added UTIL->RESET->VOL which will reset all audio settings to their
default values.
- Append (MAX) to the credit message if the number of credits equals
the CREDIT LIMIT adjustment.
- Updated Custom Pricing Editor to display Pricing Format description in the
title area when it is being edited.
- Added Standard Adjustment #57 "PRICING FORMAT". Values are:
"MINIMAL" will replace consecutive identical coin/credit increments with "..".
"MONETARY SYMBOL" will add the leading or trail monetary symbol appropriate
for the currency is use. For CUSTOM PRICING this can be TOKEN, COIN, SWIPE,
or TAP.
USA 13 (as opposed to the current active GAME PRICING) is used to demonstrate
the effects of the different options in the Service Menu as there is a
difference between STANDARD and MINIMAL formatting. (and there may not be in the current
active pricing).
STANDARD - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/1.00 2/2.00 3/3.00 4/4.00 7/5.00
- USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/0.50 2/1.00 4/1.50 6/2.00
MINIMAL - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/1.00 .. 7/5.00
- USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/0.50 .. 4/1.50 6/2.00
STD W/ MONETARY SYMBOL - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/$1.00 2/$2.00 3/$3.00 4/$4.00 7/$5.00
- USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/$0.50 2/$1.00 4/$1.50 6/$2.00
MIN W/ MONETARY SYMBOL - USA 13 would be formatted as: 1/$1.00 .. 7/$5.00
- USA 7 would be formatted as: 1/$0.50 .. 4/$1.50 6/$2.00
- Updated Custom Pricing Editor to display using Pricing Format. Use <BACK and NEXT>
to select the pricing and EDIT to change the Pricing Format. The
Pricing Format adjustment will also be updated upon EXIT.
- Updated TechAlert switch numbering to be consistent with the game manuals.
- Updated Custom Pricing Editor - Uses button navigation to select and edit
fields. Use <BACK and NEXT> to select the "CREDIT" or "AT:" field and
EDIT to change their value. RESET has the options of setting the
custom price to the FACTORY default or CURRENT pricing as a starting
point for creating the custom price. RESET can also CLEAR the custom price
to create one from scratch. Use EXIT to save and install the custom
price. Added support to specify money format descriptions for: country
monetary symbol ("$", "EUR", etc), "TOKEN", "COIN", and "SWIPE".
- Updated Custom Coin Door Editor - RESET has the options of setting the
custom coin door to the FACTORY default or CURRENT settings as a starting
point for creating the custom coin door. RESET can also CLEAR the custom
coin door to create one from scratch. Added error message when attempting
to EXIT when the custom coin door is not valid (UNITS PER PULSE is zero or
all coin switches have zero PULSES set).
- Updated Pricing Table:
Standard Euro Coin Door now configured as:
"10 units per pulse, Left 5, Center 10, Right 20, 4th 2, 5th 0, 6th 0"
Italian Euro Coin Door now configured as:
"10 units per pulse, Left 5, Center 1, Right 5, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0"
Updated Australia 5 from "1/$2.00, 2/$5.00, 5/$10.00 AU" to "1/$2.00 AU, 2/$3.00 AU"
Removed Australia 7 "1/$2.00, 3/$4.00, 4/$5.00 AU"
Removed Italy 1 "1/EUR 0.50"
Removed Italy 2 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00"
Added New Zealand 3 "1/$2 NZ, 2/$3 NZ"
Updated Switzerland 2 from "1/1 SwF, 3/2 SwF, 5/3 SwF, 7/4 SwF, 9/5 SwF" to "1/2 SwF, 2/4 SwF, 3/5 SwF"
Removed Switzerland 3 "1/2 SwF, 3/5 SwF"
Updated UK 1 from "3/1.00 GBP, 7/2.00 GBP" to "1/2.00 GBP"
Updated UK 2 from "4/1.00 GBP" to "1/1.00 GBP"
Removed UK 6 "3/2.00 GBP"
Removed Portugal "1/EUR 0.50"
Removed Germany 1 "1/EUR 0.50"
Removed Germany 2 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 5/EUR 2.00"
Removed Germany 3 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 6/EUR 2.00"
Removed Euro 4 "1/EUR 0.50, 2/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 1.50, 6/EUR 2.00"
Removed Euro 5 "1/EUR 0.50, 3/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 1.50, 7/EUR 2.00"
Removed Euro 6 "2/EUR 0.50"
Renamed Euro 7 to Euro 4 "1/EUR 1.00, 2/EUR 2.00, 3/EUR 3.00, 5/EUR 4.00"
Renamed Euro 8 to Euro 5 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00"
Renamed Euro 9 to Euro 6 "1/EUR 1.00, 2/EUR 1.50, 3/EUR 2.00"
Renamed Euro 10 to Euro 7 "1/EUR 1.00, 3/EUR 2.00, 7/EUR 3.00"
Renamed Euro 11 to Euro 8 "1/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 2.00"
Renamed Euro 12 to Euro 9 "2/EUR 1.00, 4/EUR 2.00, 6/EUR 3.00, 9/EUR 4.00"
Removed USA 4 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 1, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0"
Removed USA 6 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 6, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0"
NOTE: USA 3 "1/$0.50" "25 units per pulse, Left 1, Center 4, Right 1, 4th 1, 5th 0, 6th 0" remains unchanged
Updated Austria default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Belgium default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Finland default pricing to Euro 5
Updated France default pricing to Euro 7
Updated Germany default pricing to Euro 2 and Euro Coin Door
Updated Greece default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Italy default pricing to Euro 5 and Euro Coin Door
Updated Netherlands default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Portugal default pricing to Euro 1 and Euro Coin Door
Updated Spain default pricing to Euro 5
Updated Switzerland default pricing to Switzerland 1
- Added UTIL->SAVE and UTIL->LOAD which save and restore all game settings to/from a USB thumbdrive.
When restoring the settings to the SAME MACHINE, you can choose to restore:
When using the saved settings with another machine of the SAME TITLE and MODEL (for example
settings file created on a DeadPool Pro and restoring to a different DeadPool Pro)
you can choose to restore:
When using the saved settings with another machine of a DIFFERENT TITLE or MODEL (for example
settings file created on a DeadPool Pro and restoring to a Munsters Pro)
you can only choose to restore:
"RESTORE ALL ADJUSTMENTS" will restore the Standard Adjustments listed below and
all Feature Adjustments.
"RESTORE ONLY STD ADJUSTMENTS" will restore the following Standard Adjustments:
Custom Message
Custom Pricing
Custom Coin Door
- Games will now persist ALL SETTINGS after a software update. This functionality will be available
in the game release AFTER the release which uses system 2.
- Correct the delay between multiple Q24 knocker requests. Previously the
knocks would happen too rapidly and sound like a single loud knock. Now
there will be a 3/4 second delay between knocks. If the sound effect
knocker is also enabled, it will be synchronized with the Q24 knocker.
- Updated COIN DOOR EDITOR to display the selected settings and whether they
are the FACTORY default or CUSTOM configuration.
- Added Custom Coin Door Editor.
You can specify the UNITS PER PULSE for the base coin and the number of PULSES
generated by each coin switch (left, center, right, 4th, 5th, 6th). The
UNITS have a range of 1 to 10000 and PULSES have a range of 0 to 100. For
example the USA coin door has a UNIT of 25 and the left and right slots
generate 1 PULSE and the center slot (the DBV) generates four PULSES. The
coin mechanisms accept quarters and the DBV dollars. Therefore, the UNIT is
25 (for 25 cents) and the left and right generate 1 PULSE for a single quarter
and the center slot generates 4 PULSES for a dollar bill being four quarters.
If Standard Adjustment "Game Pricing" is changed to a selection with different
UNITS PER PULSE than the active CUSTOM coin door, the custom coin door will
be reset to the factory default for that Game Pricing selection.
- Added system adjustment for Spike 2 games when a headphone kit is installed:
"MUTE KNOCKER IF HP DETECTED" - will not play replay knocker sound when
headphones are in use. Default value is NO (not muted).
"DISABLE Q24 KNOCK IF HP DETECTED" - will not fire Q24 knocker coil when
headphones are in use. Default value is NO (not disabled).
- DIAG->NODE->BRD->Overcurrent Test now displays Drive/Coil and Light/LED
description instead of device addres