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Insanely Underrated!! RCT

RCT should have the worlds best ramps, loops etc. Instead it has a troll. Do I need to say anything more?

Yes. Yes you do. The Troll is indeed a bit ****. But it's still a great game. Don't write it off because of a crappy toy. That is what everybody does. It's deserves more love!
I have never considered buying one as I had never played one and a lot of the reviews make it sound like the worse game ever made! But I am so glad I got it. If you like Pat Lawlor games then you should like this one. It is a shame they went with the whole troll thing really. Could have had a much better toy. But if you can get over that it's a great game. A hidden gem!
Glad you are enjoying it Dean.
Never really give it a lot of time but might spend a little longer next time I get a chance to play one.
Was that the machine on fleabay 2-3 weeks ago in Poole? I was bidding on that and stopped around the £900 mark. Just couldn't bring myself to buy it :D but it looked pretty tidy mind. Kind o kick myself, but watched a youtube video and thought the sounds were quite rubbish tbh and so stopped bidding , possibly to your delight :)

I am currently working on a newly installed RCT at Penta Hotel, Ernest street, Birmingham. It's in their foyer bar area and is set on Freeplay !! Public access no problem. Would probably help if you bought a drink I expect. It's having a tricky reset issue at the moment. Hope to resolve it.
Hope its still working. Really not happy with it. Damned intermittent faults pretending they're fixed.
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