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Indiana Jones Software Rewrite - DMD colorising & and other progress

Update: Some new pics of various modes and award graphics during them. Been working with Eric on sorting out some of the niggles with masked fonts. Indy has a lot of layered modes with multiple font layers so i really wanted to get this fixed. The mask helps to isolate a font when a graphic layer is underneath by placing a 1 pixel black border around. There were some old issues with fonts missing the last pixel column off these and other missing pixels. Eric and Rosh worked out a really nice solution to fix the issue within pyprocgame's framework, so i'm glad to be taking advantage of this pinside.com_img_smilies_icon_smile.gif Eric also helped again by fixing up a lot of my fonts to be fully compatible with the new update. Thanks Eric.

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Finally had time to add the remaining mode from the 12 original. - Mine cart video mode. That brings the total now to 4 video modes in my rewrite

Here's a video of the operation of it so far. No colour graphics yet, but the mode is working pretty nicely. Was about 20 hours work to get this mode running as you see it.

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