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IFPA19 - Pinball World Championship

Final was epic. Zahler 3-0 up and cruising, and set Arvid a huge ball 3 target of 98m on Jason’s choice of Car Hop with very little on the board. Arvid chopped wood for what must have been about half an hour with multiple big saves and got it. The machine has a hard roll over at 100m and he even managed to finish on 99m and change to get the GC score.

They then went to Ripley’s, Arvid looked like he’d blown it with a quick drain on ball 3 but the playfield hadn’t validated so he lived to plunge again. After this he ended up winning comfortably with multiple super jackpots, to make it 3-2. Next up was Jason’s choice Tron, Jason put up around 35m and Arvid went into ball 3 with around 15m if I remember correctly. Another high pressure chase down but he got it to force a best of 3 sudden death.

First game was Scared Stiff, Arvid missed a couple of times on the spider wheel which seemingly cost him and he ended up losing by a few million. For game 2 Arvid chose Godzilla. Arvid went first and never got control with a quick drain. Jason responded with 500m on ball 1, which he stretched out to about 1.5bn on ball 2 after completing Monster Zero. Arvid didn’t get close and that was all she wrote.
With Josh doing so well at the IFPA last weekend, I thought I'd go back over the history and see how all the UK players have done. I've attached an analysis of all of the results over the years and have also provided a brief summary below.of some of the highlights.

A total of 15 different UK players so far have competed at the IFPA World Championships. The first one of these was in 2009 which was hosted in the UK and therefore maybe not surprising that this was the most attended event by UK players with a total of 9 competing.

Out of the 15, only.4 different players have ever qualified for the knockout rounds being Nick, Rich, Craig and Josh. Of these, only Rich and Craig have ever made it through the 1st knockout round where they both then lost sadly. Craig has won the most knockout games, 7. Rich and Josh are the only two players to have always qualified when they have played.

Peter has attended the most, 9, but has never qualified. There are four top players who have never competed at the IFPA, namely Matt, Yuen, Will and Wayne.

The best qualification position was by Nick in.18th, closely followed by Rich and Josh in 19th, although Josh has scored one more point (105) than the other two.in qualifying in this position.

Hope some of you find this of interest.

IFPA UK Summary.png


I made the mistake of trying too hard in the qualifiers and ended up in a game with the Sharpe brothers and Andrei Masinkoff. I got my ass handed to me.
I made the mistake of trying too hard in the qualifiers and ended up in a game with the Sharpe brothers and Andrei Masinkoff. I got my ass handed to me.
Nick and I were chatting on Saturday morning and he said that Josh might have done the same, but the issue is, everyone there is amazing, so there's no easy games for you to make a late surge from.

Josh started with Jim and Keith in the slaughter, then got Luke and ZMac and didn't do so well but after a decent round got Luke, ZMac and Roy and did way better. Then got Karl and Roy, then Eric and Johannes followed by Luke (again) Dalton and Eric and finished up with ZachS, Steve and Jordan.

The great thing was that in all of those rounds, he went in knowing he could win games. Not from arrogance, but self belief which has grown over the last few months thanks in part to the help from the whole UK Pinball community. He's much better able to analyse what he's doing wrong when having bad games/tournaments and understanding how to cope with house balls, mistakes and the inevitable losses. If I tried to mention everyone individually I'd inevitably leave someone out but you've all been amazing and we are so grateful for the way everyone has been so friendly and helpful over the past few years which enabled Josh get to the level he's playing at. He genuinely couldn't have done it without that help and advice from those that have played at the top level over the years 😍

Not that I could be any prouder than I am already, but seeing the stats from @robotgreg really puts how well Josh did into context

For your amusement, here's my heart rate over the two days. Just me sat or stood still in an air conditioned room watching some pinball (peak 148BPM!):

Heart Rate Day 1.jpegHeart Rate Day2w.jpeg
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