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Hi everyone

We're pleased to announce that following the success of the 2014 UKCS we'll be running the same series for 2015.

We already have some dates planned for comps in 2015 for your diary as below but with some (Noted TBC) likely but not yet confirmed the date or for some that they will definitely take place.

2015 Schedule


A few points to note for 2015:

No. of events that qualify will be increased from the 6 in 2014 and will depend on the total number of events within the UKCS as follows:


Local leagues will not be part of the UKCS but all other ONE-OFF stand alone comps should be included.

Tournament organisers may wish to consider and review the format of the comp if they wish the comp to qualify for WPPR points given the changes under the new WPPR 5.0 system effective for 2015 onwards as some comps may not yield many WPPR points under their existing format. However, this will not impact the UKCS and personally, I'm not thinking of changing the format of Robot Bash just for WPPR purposes. Also to note to qualify for WPPR points, the comp needs to be advertised at least one month in advance and registered on the IFPA website along with details of the format. The same notice period will be required to qualify within the UKCS.

Looking forward to what's already looking like a fun year for pinball meets.

Greg and Craig

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Ugh! Don't know what's happened to formatting as was fine when drafted. Hopefully you can work out the tables, but if Paul could format please then be most appreciated:)
Under a week now until the Finals!

Practice for those in the early rounds from 9am. The first round at 10am will be between

Tim Thornton @Tim Thornton
Cj Brown
Richard Rothwell Jackson
Andrew Wilson @dragon2000

@Tim Thornton as the highest seed has pick of either position or machine.

Machines to choose from

Iron Man
Monster Bash
No Fear
Mr and Mrs Pacman

Which machine will he choose? Or will he go for position?

In the round after that we see @teachp8 join the mix, followed by @sqweek

I will try to keep this thread updated with how the comp unfolds throughout the day, who gets knocked out, big games etc. it's no papatv but it's something :)
First game between Tim, Andrew, Richard and Phil.

Tim picks Metallica. Andrew has a great game and makes it to crank it up with 77m.

Unfortunately Tim drops out
Apologies for the irregular updates. It just proved to much to manage with the comp as well. It was a superb event. We were spoilt with Terry's hospitality, machines and food from Julie and Wayne.

Phil Dixon had the staying power, staying in for 10 rounds. Andy Foster and David Mainwaring did superbly well, running the gauntlet and making their way into the final. The final 4 were me, Martin, Andy and David.

It came down to a final game on No Fear, but the final results were

1st Martin, 2nd Craig, 3rd Andy, 4th David

The Hangover comp qualifying and finals tomorrow, great day
Great to see everyone today at Terry's :thumbs: Does anyone who was there till the end know how the Hangover tournament ended up?
Just got in after a busy weekend! Great fun. Unfortunately I crashed out on my second game in the main comp on Saturday but got £10 for winning the first game.

Today went better and I managed to get 4th place in the Hangover competition, yay!
Final result:
1st - Wayne Johns
2nd - Andy Foster
3rd - Nick Marshall
4th - Andrew Wilson

Thanks to Terry for having us all, Craig and Greg for organizing the UKCS and all the event hosts over the past year.

Very many thanks to Terry for hosting the finals of the UKCS over the weekend along with the UKCS Hangover comp and to Phil, Wayne and Dave for all their help in setting up and Julie for catering duties:) And Peter for providing and setting up the software and hardware for the Hangover comp.

It was a great competition with some fine performances from Phil, David and Andy who all survived a significant number of rounds with the latter two reaching the final play off of 4. There were a couple of close games with Andy, despite showing as ever a high degree of skill, also benefiting from two close escapes, surviving on No Fear by 1,006M vs 1,003M and Metallica by 59M vs 58M. Peter Blakemore had a great last ball to go from 7M to 58M but it wasn't quite enough as Andy's bonus of 7M took him just over Peter's score.

In the last round before the final Lukas was unlucky to suffer an automatic disqualification as per IFPA rules for tilting through the next player's ball on Combat.

It was a close and tense final between the final four of Craig who automatically qualified as no 1, Martin winning his one qualifying game and Andy and David both having survived many rounds. Craig won the first two games on Ironman and Ms Pacman but then the other 3 finalists all came back with a win on the other 3 games so it went down to the last game on No Fear where any one of the 4 could potentially still win the title. Martin triumphed with over 1.5B with Craig and Andy getting scores over 1B.
So the final result was as follows:

Qualifying Change
1 2 Martin Ayub 1
2 1 Craig Pullen -1
3 12 Andy Foster 9
4 9 David Mainwaring 5
5 4 Lukasz Romanowski -1
6 3 Greg Mott -3
7 7 Wayne Johns 0
8 5 Matt Vince -3
9 6 Peter Blakemore -3
10 24 Phil Dixon 14
11 8 Ivan Miles -3
12 10 Nick Marshall -2
13 11 Thomas Evrenos -2
14 13 Neil Fellender -1
15 21 Richard Rothwell-Jackson 6
16 17 Mark Potter 1
17 14 James Watson -3
18 16 Robin Kemp -2
19 22 Andrew Wilson 3
20 18 Tim Thornton -2

I've also shown how each payer moved from their original qualifying position so you can see who did well and who didn't. It seemed to be somewhat affected by machine choice with those entering the comp and choosing Metallica, Ironman or Combat as their game usually tending to go straight out, . No-one went out straight out by choosing any of the other 3 namely Monster Bash, No fear and Mr and Mrs Pacman.
So these unfortunate 1st round losers were:
Tim Thornton Metallica
James Watson Combat
Ivan Miles Ironman
Peter Blakemore Metallica
Matt Vince Combat
Greg Mott Metallica
The only players to buck this trend were:
Thomas Evrenos Metallica
Martin Ayub Combat

The winner of each knockout round won £10 with David, Phil and Andy benefiting most with 3 wins each.

In the Hangover there were some great games and tense battles with the final four being Andy, Wayne, Nick and Andrew.

Wayne triumphed with the two required wins on Transformers and Aerobatics, while Andy pipped Nick for 2nd by clocking Black Jack.

So final results of the Hangover were:

1 Wayne Johns
2 Andy Foster
3 Nick Marshall
4 Andrew Willson
5 Will Dutton
5 Martin Ayub
5 Luckasz Romanowski
8 Terry Sullivan
9 Craig Pullen
9 David Mainwaring
9 Phil Dixon
9 Tim Thornton
13 David Dutton
14 Peter Blakemore
14 Ivan Miles
14 Dave Langley
17 Mark Potter
18 Kate Morris
19 Matt Vince
20 Richard Rothwell-Jackson
21 Rob Taylor
22 Rick Carr
23 Thomas Evrenos
24 Greg Mott
25 Chris Edis
26 James Watson
27 Robin Kemp
28 Rowan Salger
29 Neil Fellender
30 Julie Chambers
31 Olivia Hibbert

Congratulations to all the finalists especially Martin and Wayne on their wins and Andy for placing in both finals and thanks to all everyone who helped out at the weekend.

Greg and Craig
Here's the latest standings in the new year for the UKCS. After two events with his win at the weekend in the Hangover Wayne is top but only by a point from Lucas with Martin close in 3rd.

Next confirmed event is the 8bitflip 4,5 April in Northwich.




Following the excellent 8 bit flip and David's 49th birthday tournament, here's the latest standings in the UKCS after 4 events.

The table is taking on a very familiar look for the top 10 places but with 20 places available in the finals, the remaining 10 places very much open while early days for all.

Top climbers into the top 20 are:

Matt Vince up 20 to 12
Ian Wallace up 34 to 15
Garry Speight up 29 to 20

Next event is the London Pinball Championships on 16-17 May.




Latest standings below updated after the excellent weekend of pinball at London Pinball Championships.

No change in top 4 with following biggest movers:
Vin Jauhal up 18 to 11
Mark Potter up 15 to 16
Ivan Miles up 17 to 17

With the current planned number of UKCS events, it's likely to be the best 8 events that will count for UKCS.

Next UKCS event is UK Pinball Cup in Ely, Cambridgeshire on Sunday 28th June, closely followed by Welsh Pinball Cup in South Wales on the weekend of 4-5 July.



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Double posted here and in 2015 events to hope that anyone who is interested sees:)

To clarify the position for UKCS points for the UK Pinball Cup for those interested, the Bar 62 comp on Saturday will be a side comp of the UK Cup. Therefore points will be awarded at 50% of normal value for Bar 62, 100% for the UK Cup and the two results added together to form one result for UKCS.

This is to ensure consistency with previous events where if there is more than one comp over a weekend at an event held at the same venue, it counts as only one result for the UKCS. This means that if you can't make a weekend, you don't lose out by missing two events worth of points. However, it does mean that to give yourself the best chance of a high finish for the weekend in the UKCS, you need to do both comps.

This has no bearing on the WPPR points which I understand will be awarded to both comps which will count as separate events for WPPR.

Hope that's clear but feel free to contact me if you'd like more explanation.

Many thanks to Rowan for hosting the UK Pinball Cup along with organising the Bar 62 comp too.

Great to catch up with some of you again and a really enjoyable and fun weekend.

Many congratulations to Martin for winning the Bar 62 comp on Sat and Jason Poyntz for the UK Pinball Cup win on Sunday:)

Latest standings have been updated as attached.

Quite a bit of change with some big jumps up the rankings as follows

Keith Fransham up 67 to 28
Jason Poyntz up 58 to 37
Stan Simpson up 24 to 17
Rowan Salger up 11 to 18

Also some other moves in the top 20:
Greg Mott up 6 to 3
Wayne Johns up 4 to 4
Ivan Miles up 6 to 11

Remember best 8 events count so not even half way yet in UKCS season so all still can change a lot.

Next UKCS event is Welsh Pinball Cup in South Wales on the weekend of 4-5 July, closely followed by World Cup 2 at Tilt Cafe in Leicester on Sunday 19 July.



Here's the latest standings as we're half way through the season now after the excellent Welsh Pinball Cup. Dave, Lynda (and Kev) did an awesome job in hosting and helping to make this happen which was a really enjoyable day.

Many congratulations to Matt for winning and especially to Alex, Dave's son for an awesome 2nd!

Not a lot of change in top 20 with biggest mover Matt Vince up 3 from 15 to 12. Otherwise biggest changes are new entries after their first comp this year as follows:

Alex Willcox 22
Kev Donovan 45
David Roberts 49
Michael Addis 50

Ad Jonker up 65 to 33

Next UKCS event is World Cup 2 at Tilt Cafe in Leicester on Sunday 19 July followed by the UK Pinball Open weekend of 22-23 August.



Another update to UKCS following World Cup Revisted yesterday.

Very many congratulations for a well deserved win to Rowan along with 2nd to Rich Mallett, 3rd to Phil Dixon and 4th to Ian Walmsley.

Nice to see some different players in the top 4 and the first time none of the established UK top 10 or so have been in the final for at least a couple of years! Think it goes to show how the general standard of play has improved over the last few years and there are no longer any "easy" games for the top players. All bodes well for the competitive scene in this country and more variety in the overall results:)

In the UKCS, no change to the top 7 but some big moves elsewhere in the top 20 qualifying places as follows:

Rich Mallett up 6 to 8
Rowan Salger up 4 to 14
Phil Dixon up 22 to 17
Keith Fransham up 11 to 18
Ian Walmsley up 43 to 19

Will see some more changes as players reach best 8 events limit and have to drop points and others move closer to their quota of 8.

Still at least 5 events to go with the next one being the big one, UK Open at the Pinball Party weekend of 21-23 August.

Other events and more information listed on the league website:





Here's the latest standings in the UKCS following the Party.

No change in the top 6 although some gaps narrowed.
Movers in the top 20 as follows:
Ivan Miles up 3 to 7
Andy Foster up 3 to 9
Andrew Wilson up 9 to 17

Other big movers outside top 20 (excluding non UK players) as follows:
Helmut Langenbruch up 27 to 21
Mike Parkins up 39 to 29
Kate Morris up 17 to 27
Thomas Evrenos up 22 to 35
David Dodds up 54 to 40
Romain Fontaine up 32 to 41

With still 5 events to go, lots of opportunity to garb one of those 20 final places and to improve your position within the top 20 as every place above 17 means one less game to survive in the finals!

Remaining events confirmed for the rest of the year as follows:
Not Another Birthday Tournament 25-Oct
The As Yet Unnamed (Part 2 - Still Unnamed) 22-Nov
Christmas Cracker 06-Dec
Festive Pinball Gathering 12-13 Dec
Robot Bash 30-Dec




Following the excellent Not Another Birthday Tournament at Special When Lit last Sunday, here's the updated UKCS standings:

A few minor movements in top 20 but nothing significant.

Large movers outside the top 20 were:

Dan Wallace up 36 to 22
Thomas Evrenos up 12 to 223
Oscar Evrenos up 49 to 26
Nick Baxter Sibey up 28 to 61

Special mention to Dan for an excellent performance with 4= on the day and well deserving of the best junior award.

Next UKCS comp is The As Yet Unnamed Tournament at the Arcade Club in Bury on Sunday 22 Nov.



Greg, please can you advise of a list of the locations, for example where are these being held?

The As Yet Unnamed (Part 2 - Still Unnamed) 22-Nov
Christmas Cracker 06-Dec

Added locations for upcoming comps as below:

The As Yet Unnamed (Part 2 - Still Unnamed) Christmas Cracker 22-Nov Arcade Club, Bury
Christmas Cracker 06-Dec Terry Sullivan, Shepshed nr Leicester
Festive Pinball Gathering 12-13 Dec Special When Lit, Salisbury
Robot Bash 30-Dec Greg Mott, Broadstone, Dorset


I'm delighted to announce that the finals of the UKCS will be held at Special When Lit on the weekend of 30, 31 January, many thanks to Peter for agreeing to host. The actual finals will be on the Saturday with qualifying for a separate comp , the UKCS Hangover on the Saturday and play offs for the Hangover on the Sunday. Format for both comps will be the same as this year's UKCS finals weekend at Terry's in Shepshed.

Our intention will be to hold the finals in the North somewhere for the 2016 UKCS ie to be held some time Jan/Feb 2017 so we share the venue around the country. Very early days but if anyone "up north" is interested in hosting the 2017 finals please let either me or Craig know and we can discuss further.

At the Festival Pinball Gathering we drew the machines for the UKCS finals based on 2 new Sterns, 2 DMD and 2 older with a reserve drawn in each category in case of issues with serviceability or availability.

So the 6 machines in the UKCS finals will be
The Simpsons Pinball Party
Cactus Canyon
Theatre of Magic
Pink Panther
Space Hawks

reserves are:
Medieval Madness

The other machines at SWL will feature in the UKCS Hangover.

I'll post the updated standings for the 2015 UKCS once I have the results from the weekend. Last event will be Robot Bash at Broadstone on 30 Dec (still 2 spaces available). Once final standings are determined I'll email top 25 (20 places available and 5 reserves in case any in top 20 can't make it) with more info and to check attendance.


Here's the updated standings following the last 4 comps from recent weeks. A lot of jiggling around in the top 20 but most players only moved by 1 or 2 places.

Largest gains over the last 4 comps were:
Paul Owen up 80 to 19
Tony Smith up 42 to 23
Mike Kindler up 33 to 36
Aid Cooper up 36 to 78
Carl Spiby up 77 to 44

and many more movers.

With only one UKCS event to go, looks like positions 1 and 2 are now settled but it's very close for 3rd with a range of players from the top 10 still in contention to move a number of places up.

Looks like only 4 players outside the top 20 have the chance to move up into the top 20 but if any from the top 20 can't make the finals then we will be offering finals places to anyone in the top 25 so still an outside chance for those ending up in top 25 as last year there were a few players in the finals from 21-25.




Following yesterday's comp at mine, here's the final standings of the top 25 for the UKCS finals. Places available to top 20 with 21-25 as reserves. I'll send an email to all 25 with more info in the next few days. A reminder finals will be on Sat 30 Jan at Special When Lit.

Now Before +/- Player Total Best 8 Events Efficiency Wins
1 1 - Martin Ayub 944.25 742.00 13 73% 3
2 2 - Craig Pullen 845.75 727.00 10 85% 2
3 3 - Greg Mott 781.08 631.00 13 60% 3
4 4 - Peter Blakemore 835.84 609.50 13 64%
5 5 - Wayne Johns 594.00 577.00 10 59% 2
6 7 1 Ivan Miles 586.50 549.50 10 59%
7 6 - 1 David Mainwaring 728.08 536.33 14 52%
8 8 - Andy Foster 515.00 515.00 6 86%
9 11 2 Rich Mallet 492.83 492.83 8 62%
10 9 - 1 Matt Vince 504.17 479.67 10 50% 1
11 10 - 1 Lukasz Romanowski 456.08 456.08 6 76%
12 12 - Nick Marshall 447.25 447.25 7 64%
13 14 1 Vin Jauhal 366.17 354.17 11 33%
14 13 - 1 Will Dutton 339.00 339.00 5 68% 1
15 15 - Tim Thornton 291.25 291.25 9 32%
16 16 - Phil Dixon 283.25 283.25 5 57%
17 17 - Ian Walmsley 274.50 274.50 4 69%
18 18 - Rowan Salger 258.00 258.00 8 32% 1
19 20 1 Andrew Wilson 250.25 250.25 7 36%
20 19 - 1 Paul Owen 247.50 247.50 6 41%
21 21 - Oscar Evrenos 234.25 234.25 9 26%
22 34 12 Kate Morris 207.00 207.00 6 35%
23 22 - 1 Stan Simpson 191.33 191.33 5 38%
24 40 16 Neil Fellender 183.00 183.00 9 20%
25 23 - 2 Tony Smith 179.00 179.00 5 36%

Biggest movers from yesterday were:
Kate up 12 to 22
Neil up 40 to 24
Dan Williams up 128 to 58
Nick Hill up 65 to 91



Does anyone care to say what the rules for Space Hawks is, obviously there isnt really anything online as its as rare as rocking horse poop
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