even though my little nipper woke us up at 6 and wouldn't go back to sleep, today feels like a good day.
pinball matters to attend to:
sort out MB pop bumpers - why not firing, is it the switch or the coil?
consider adding yet *another* toy to MB, as it has arrived in the post from ebay - this time Creech!
attempt to assemble replacement Nell log assembly for R&B with collected bits and pieces.
rebuild both flippers on R&B to complete the shop job - time to test it all out!
L ramp R Phurba on TS is sticking, may need to adjust the arm of the switch or make ramp steeper.
tilt bob needs ajusting/replacing on MB.
buy that toolbox on ebay that i keep missing out on - it's a fishing tackle box, looks awesome
happy Thursday peeps, what little tasks you up to with your machines today?
pinball matters to attend to:
sort out MB pop bumpers - why not firing, is it the switch or the coil?
consider adding yet *another* toy to MB, as it has arrived in the post from ebay - this time Creech!
attempt to assemble replacement Nell log assembly for R&B with collected bits and pieces.
rebuild both flippers on R&B to complete the shop job - time to test it all out!
L ramp R Phurba on TS is sticking, may need to adjust the arm of the switch or make ramp steeper.
tilt bob needs ajusting/replacing on MB.
buy that toolbox on ebay that i keep missing out on - it's a fishing tackle box, looks awesome
happy Thursday peeps, what little tasks you up to with your machines today?