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"I know a great place for some hotdogs"


Sep 22, 2016
West Dorset
I'll tell you what is a cracking game pin bro's. Dirty Harry. Very kindly lent to me by another forum member, been playing it a lot of late and it's such an underrated gem of a game. Blows more popular titles from the same era out of the water imo. One of the best bang for bucks games out there surely. Any other DH fans out there?
I love mine, I never understand why it isn't rated higher. The 6 main modes aren't too difficult (but not too easy either.....) to achieve to then get to the 5 ball multiball Crime Wave, but then shooting all the crosshairs to make an arrest, and then try and repeat that feat to make another, is really difficult!

"There's something going on, down at the Warehouse....." :p
I had one for a while and loved it. Only got rid as I was in the “gotta try everything” phase of collecting. Great game!
I love mine, I never understand why it isn't rated higher. The 6 main modes aren't too difficult (but not too easy either.....) to achieve to then get to the 5 ball multiball Crime Wave, but then shooting all the crosshairs to make an arrest, and then try and repeat that feat to make another, is really difficult!

"There's something going on, down at the Warehouse....." :p

There is a surprising amount going on with the main modes, the Bullet awards, the Safehouse modes, the Warehouse, several multiballs , moving shooting gun , Magna Force magnet ..... It's a really solid ruleset, a challenging game, and one of the finest mid 90s games imo ...this and Indy 500 were seriously overlooked for a long time.

Mine is coming out of storage any day with intention to sell, but I think there is a massive chance I'll want to keep it when I start playing it again :rolleyes::D

Oh and it's actual Clint Eastwood speech as well, not a soundalikey.

"Most of my partners end up dead" :oops:
Awesome game! Great modes,call outs,music and some of the best side cab art there is! Just a shame the playfield and translite aren’t up to the same standard.
Always been baffled why more don’t rave about it, don’t think I’d ever sell mine.
It’s an ok game. Not dreadful but not fantastic. I can think of far worse.

Enjoyed it when I had one but now when I come across one it always looks a bit Chad Valley. Everything just seems a bit oversized

The midnight madness feature and fighting cows are a nice touch
It’s an ok game. Not dreadful but not fantastic. I can think of far worse.

Enjoyed it when I had one but now when I come across one it always looks a bit Chad Valley. Everything just seems a bit oversized

The midnight madness feature and fighting cows are a nice touch

You're dead to me @johnwhitfield ?

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