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Homepin NEW licenced theme & new staff

Interesting to see a popper, don't recall seeing them on modern games!

Layout and theme looks spot on, I'm surprised!
My two word review.
At Pinball Heaven they lost a load of money on Thunderbirds. In the end I sold three of them for whatever we could get.
This is the reason no SPINAL TAPS are in the UK.
Phil wont touch Homepin again.
If you have one for £500 I'm up for it 😏
Surely that wasn’t an officially released video of the game 😱

Between this and the image of the welding on the ramp You have to ask questions about the build quality.

Reminds me of Heighway booking space at the shows in London and either not turning up or turning up with boards that then needed emergency repair work. Hardly inspires confidence.
Jeez, what a massive own goal this has turned out to be.
Given the problems encountered in actually getting the machine produced in the first place, the first thing you'd expect the company to do would be to get a decent professional promo video and launch organised (like what Stern do 🤣) using a pin that was set up and working properly
I'm pretty sure the person playing it in the FB vid comments at the end 'That was hard work'
Not exactly the kind of reaction you really want to hear
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