Not directed at PeteB at all but the whole negative media coverage of Pokémon Go and criticism of children/teenagers really pushes my buttons.
We live in a world that seems to delight in reporting negative stories about children. I fully admit to being biased but there is a perception that kids today are far more badly behaved than we ever were
Really? I grew up with some real ****ers. It wasn't down to video games or video nasties . They were just ****ers. Same as their parents probably were. Playing Pokémon Go is no different to playing Space Invaders, Monopoly or even pinball. It's fun and if they enjoy it then more power to them.
When you see kids who turn up at pinball meets such as Dan, Melissa, the Raison clan etc they are all really nice, well adjusted kids. I'd hope my two would be viewed in the same way even if they are currently addicted to the current Pokémon ********.
I live in an inner city borough and work in another. Some of the kids I meet are little ****s. However, the vast majority are really nice but we never get to hear about that. If I arrange a school trip I have to do a risk assessment. One of the top risks is always verbal and physical assult by adults. Seriously, what kind of ****wit hurls abuse at 14 year old kids or throws stuff at them from cars? However, this happens depressingly often. After the London bombings some people refused to share the same tube carriage as the kids I took out on a school trip.
This week I took my two to the local swinning pool in Lewisham. Within 5 mins Matt had met another teenage lad and was playing in the pool and a teenage girl came over and asked if she could help my daughter learn to dive. Nothing especially unusual in that but it goes to show the media's perception of London kids as mini gang members isn't correct.
I've seen my two go through various fads. I've got ****ing buckets of Go-Go, Trash packs, Shopkins etc. I suspect Pokémon Go will go the same way but why do so many people feel the need to knock it? I'm no fan of Tayor Swift etc but I'm pretty certain my parents also hated punk, goth etc.
Sorry gone off at a bit of a tangent..... It's a game played by kids. Maybe I should stop looking at the Daily Mail website![]()
These days the most likely kind up person to push in a shopping queue/fail to say thank you/complain to an underpaid harassed assistant/be rude and ignorant is......
They have had a charmed life - aspirational post war parents who could give them ever increasing opportunities. Their post war parents also were grounded and knew the value of money and family. Then these current OAPs had a career full of opportunity - they could leave a job on Friday and get a new one on Monday. Their salaries were good enough to buy a nice house and the world opened up to them as they went on foreign holidays their parents could not have afforded . Their pensions are good AND they retired early.
Now they wander around garden centres eating endless cream teas and Sunday lunches before going home to their houses that they finished paying for before retirement, and complain about the 'younger generation' whilst voting Brexit cos they don't want Polish immigrants anymore despite the fact that most of the Poles that live here fought for the right for them to say just that.
Old people - they're not hat they used to be.
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