I own them all apart from Wonka and along as you avoid Wonka you'll be fine.
Wonka is just terrible, it might actually be worse than munsters. Don't need a standard or LE or CE, just draw a picture of a turd and you've got the game. (Sorry Wonka lovers
Turtles is **** in my view - the Lair shot just kills any fun in the game, its the worst shot in pinball. I need to play it more to decide if I bin it or not. I think both pro and premium are ****. also the music gets super grating after a while. if you don't like ghostbusters you will hate this.
Next is GOTG, if you have played Metalica a lot then you've already played this game but Metallica has better rules from Lyman. Pro only needed for this.
Deadpool for me is next, its a fantastic game but sorry you need the premium on this for the loop shots yes its a lot but its essential
AIQ A great game, huge choice of approach to it great flow, the spinning disk can be a pain in the ****, pro ok for this one
Stranger Things. Super atmospheric good game and Lonnie has done a lot better than I thought it would get. the UV kit is a must as is a shaker and the projector really adds to the environment so premium/LE is a must.