Chris Franchi returns to tell you what he thinks of the feedback. Somehow related to chalupas.

Chris Franchi returns to tell you what he thinks of the feedback. Somehow related to chalupas.
- Super Duper Extra awesome Pinball show
- Pitching for Beatles with Joe
- Vegas LCD animations
- Art reaction
- How to accurately show art on release
- Art Easter Eggs
- Expectations and Leaks
- Horrible H2H Logo
- More Beatles Machines in the future?
- Future KaPow titles
- Primus Pinball layout
- Joe Balcer interview
- Todd Tuckey Versus Meanest Canadian
- IFPA companion App!
- Bowen Kerin not suppressed
- Head2Head new Youtube Channel
- Pinslam
- Addams vs TZ = turds
- Optional Slam tilt
- Mailbag
- Homebrew Pinball
- Flipout 2018