Why is it called 'fish' paper?
"In 1729 Stephen Gray made the discovery of the conducting and non-conducting power of different substances. Gray found that by using woven silk served as an excellent insulator. Some years later it was found that the paper industry could provide what was equivalent to woven silk. Later it was discovered that if the paper was saturated with fish oil its ability as an insulator was much improved particularly when used in harsh environments and high voltages."
We'll be able to find out soon... look what arrived this morning whilst I was out at the gym:I hope my bit doesn't smell like fish
Same here, read my PM & paid during short break at work... Then I caught up with this thread. Will keep a beer cold for you @NedreudGreat idea Ian and I am ashamed to say I forgot to do it when I got to PayPal.
I owe you a beer or a favour.