OK ......so its nearly time
First the awesome news that donations now stand at .................<drum roll> ................. £1810

BOOM ! Thats how the pinball kids roll. Thanks to all - still time for more ....could the 2K be reached !?!
Just spent a couple of hours prepping , cleaning games etc, some new balls in a couple, changed some flipper rubbers etc. All ready to rumble now. Didn't get time to fix a power driver board issue on WH20 so that is out of commission , so leaves these magnificent seven to entertain me for
24 hrs .............
Addams Family
Indiana Jones (Williams)
Bram Stokers Dracula
Fish Tales
I'll be kicking off at 8am with a tribute game to my Dad on Tommy, his favourite machine of mine. I may get the webcam running, if I do I'll post the link. Bar the odd toilet break, 5 min sanity breaks ... I'll be playing pin nearly constantly and will be standing the entire
24 hours.
Got some targets in my mind to achieve, besides beating high scores.
Baywatch - reach the Earthquake wiz mode
TAF - get Super Bear Kicks running
BSD - reach 5th Vid mode, increase loops record to 40+
FT - really start working some Super Jackpot action
Anyway, heres a few pics of the Shack all ready and waiting .
Later soldiers