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In Progress Gottlieb El Dorado


Site Supporter
10 Years
Nov 19, 2011
Pudsey UK
Going to be starting a side project soon, to keep my mojo alive. Delving back into the Wedge head EM era 😍 Maybe if it gets sorted to a good enough standard in time, i'll bring it to pinfest.

It's going to be a slow burn one as the game needs ALOT of work.. One part i am looking forward to is cabinet restencil once the weather gets better outside.

Also the initial fault finding and sorting out is always very rewarding. I like the get these old em games working first before a mega strip down. ie trace the contact issues first and get it running reliably logic wise.

Let me know what you think about El dorado as a game :) and other EM wedge head chat welcome to!
One I remember playing in a chippy many years ago! Yes I'm that old! Free games were fairly easy we used to sell them, chippy guy said we were making more than him so he got rid!
Jim, are you subscribed to The Canadian Arcade on YouTube? There’s a shorts series running on an Eldorado restoration
The road to make this nice is going to be to be a long one, but is should turn out good! This is where we start..


The plan is:

- Initial setup in progress and inspection
- Basic cleaning of things etc
- Then I want to get everything plugged together, Clean all jones plugs then see what state of non working it is in.
- Then bring it all back to fully working electro wise
- Then move to the cosmetic cabinet and playfield restore parts.

The reason i do it in this order (as with other em games) is so new issues are not introduced with the relays contacts & adjustments which could happen with a full strip down first.

New legs installed first of all!!
Old legs are ok and could b cleaned up, but i hate old legs!

Cabinet was gloss painted twice 😂 :cuckoo:, first black and then white! oh dear. Going to be a nice re-stencil sub project once the weather warms up!
The cabinet needs a full back to factory original art & finish obviously , but with these old game (this game is 50 years old this year! ) It's a shame not to keep some of the history. The back of the cabinet really tells a story! And check the 70s orange out! At least we have this to colour match from. Not sure why i think this when most 80s/90s cab rears i never think twice about. Maybe because i am also nearly 50 aswell lol.

Initial playfield thoughts. Repro new mint playfields are available and this is what most people have done. They look great to so this is the option i may go down eventually, but I did a small experiment with the playfield just now. A quick test etc

The original is worn and has been badly painted in by a 3 year old!, so i wanted to check what its like under the horrible touchup. I cleaned back a small area in the top left using magic eraser and ipa


IMG_7332 2.webp


IMG_7333 2.webp

I quite like the idea of having a playfield (at least initially) that is nicely restored with all new plastic parts /screws and mechanics all fully rebuilt & a1, but show the age of the actual playfield wood. Might even think about clear coating it with the honest wear on it. All bad touch up would have to go. Shows its journey and the love its had in the past. A playfield doesnt wear out when nobody plays it!! Ha and its 50 years old now!
Some progress pics. Underside restoration progress. Rebuilt and fully stripped, degreased reassembled with as many new parts as I could find every mechanism. 🤩

Very nice side project! Taking it slow and really enjoying it when I need a break from digital electronics

Great game to restore, I think it's a great layout and my favourite wedge head. Look forward to seeing more of this and would be great to see at pinfest!
Great game to restore, I think it's a great layout and my favourite wedge head. Look forward to seeing more of this and would be great to see at pinfest!
Yes I am planning to bring this to pinfest if i am able to make it! I’d like to have the cab done by then to but not sure yet.

Lots more pics to come. Playfield is done! Working on the backbox now
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