Okay. I’ve played all these pins at FlipOut or at the central London arcade - I don’t own them. The way I explore a new pin (where there are lots of other pins) is to shoot a bunch of things to see what happens.
When I played The Big Lebowski, I didn’t find the bowling alley either - and I spent several games shooting literally everything in combination because THE BOWLING ALLEY IS REALLY COOL. However, I realised early that the rug was a thing I could shoot, and it rolled backwards when I hit it. This started a mode (Yay!) and lit some shots. So, I shot the shots…
The first time I played A:IQ, I had NO IDEA how to activate a mode. I activated a mode by accident and then shot the lit arrows. I subsequently went home and read a basic summary of the rules, at which point I realised I was supposed to shoot the spinning disk. What does the disk represent? Dr Strange’s portal magic, I assume, but - if so - why is there only one (he has two hands)? And why is it on the base of the playfield?
Look. I don’t want to distract from the OP question here. So, I’ll reiterate.
People’s experience of pins varies A LOT (as evidenced here)
. Thus, the only way to know if a pin will work for you is to try to find somewhere that has one, or - failing that - watch a full playthrough. There is a two-hour Godzilla game reveal on YouTube and you can also look up playthroughs/reveals of other Stern pins from there: