sweet, bet you can't wait to get that space filled.
I am down to 4 games and out of cash so that won't fill the space. Desperately trying to get some cheap games to furnish it when it is ready to make sure that nobody else grabs the newly created space ....sweet, bet you can't wait to get that space filled.
I am down to 4 games and out of cash so that won't fill the space. Desperately trying to get some cheap games to furnish it when it is ready to make sure that nobody else grabs the newly created space ....
That's me.Age old problem.... I've done three in three years now, the answer is go to those mates who have run out of space !
Looks ok but there are real clangers in there. It is worth thinking through what you are intending to do before you do it...I think glorified shed is doing this a disservice, a quality build, well done. Much better quality finish than mine will be, but hopefully mine will deliver the same outcome, warm enough, dry and a place to have them together where they can get played.
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