Decided I couldn't wait so I spent the evening moving things around so I could unbox it. Only played a few games but very impressed so far, especially with the manga-slings which are fantastic.
Just set the GC score with 664 million, not entirely sure how though. Mass Hysteria was fun but very confusing with the flippers reversing when the captive ball was hit. Frustratingly on ball three I had two balls locked for the second storage facility multiball, third lock was lit, hit the ramp and instead of starting the multiball the ball diverted to the lock but it seemed to think I'd drained and the game finished. Could have imagined it but don't think I did! Will have to see if it happens again.
Just set the GC score with 664 million, not entirely sure how though. Mass Hysteria was fun but very confusing with the flippers reversing when the captive ball was hit. Frustratingly on ball three I had two balls locked for the second storage facility multiball, third lock was lit, hit the ramp and instead of starting the multiball the ball diverted to the lock but it seemed to think I'd drained and the game finished. Could have imagined it but don't think I did! Will have to see if it happens again.