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Ghostbusters new code..

Looks awesome! I’m impressed!

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I’ve only played a few times at Tilt and found it quite brutal but watching the stream I think they have addressed this quite well. Like the god mode and reverse flipper mode well cool
Looks good- still a bit puzzled on some stuff..o_O
Puzzled is good it adds a bit depth and gives you something to discover.
In all honesty most games puzzle me for a while, I never watch gameplay or play through but prefer to let the penny drop for that satisfaction feeling you get.
Now roll on to the release I say
It''s a shame they haven't added extra animations to the ecto-goggles. So much potential there.
I believe it will work just fine but you will get uncoloured animations where anything new has been added. Worst case scenario if its screwed right up you could just go back to sigma code ( as display shipped with.).
It''s a shame they haven't added extra animations to the ecto-goggles. So much potential there.
Get a pro 🤣 . Seriously though I completely agree. Cool toy that probably added a few £ to the machine and they put hardly anything on it? Dwight said last night that they'd have to include the movie people to do that, but surely they could have added other things to it without upsetting anybody.
Please take a look at the angle of the slingshots. They are much more vertical to work with the magna slings. It has the unfortunate side effect of sling kickers will send the ball straight out the outlane.
Get a Premium/LE!
That was a joke Phil! :). I know the premium/LE is the better machine.
Just watched the stream. That is about as big an improvement as they could have made. Really impressive
Had all that in the modded soundtrack. Pretty sure they'll do another for the new code. Mine sounds great with the mod and uprated speakers
Yes but I personally thought it sucked. Went back to standard.

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The one HUGE thing that they have done for me is to stop scolari during looping supers. No idea how many times that ****ed me off.

Any thoughts anyone? I've only had 2 quick games, defo have to turn off drain ends mode, that's going to make it way too easy.
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