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Freddy’s Pinball Paradise near Frankfurt 🇩🇪


May 25, 2020
Hi all, been to Freddy’s today and had a great time- I’m sure all the British competition lads are familiar with it, but personally, I’d not heard about the place until my dad pointed out there’s a barn with 180 pins 10 miles from my step mum’s birthplace outside Frankfurt- so it was a no brainier checking it out on a father son trip this weekend. I would defo recommend a visit, ticket price was reasonable €30 ish each and nearly all the pins were playing perfect- admission from 3pm until midnight. Staying in a nice hotel in Bad Nauheim which is a 15 minute drive away. Can’t recommend the place enough- very pretty spa town where they based Elvis during his national service. Anyway- the stand out games for me were the AFM, MB and CC remakes, EJ and I’m shocked how much I enjoyed GTF, Oktoberfest and Legends of Valhalla. Also got on well with Jaws LE, Wonka and DI which which was super fun. Didn’t get to play JJP Pirates as it developed a fault 😢; otherwise I think I’ve scratched my pinball itch for a good while. Some newer games were a bit disappointing imo but everything is subjective and in a home setting they’d probably be better. Fella in the photo playing GZ is my dad- top bloke 😊 IMG_3938.webp
6 minute walk through of Freddy’s- my camera work is terrible and I think I missed a row off as well (his showroom of other games)- the fella who is wielding a bar stool halfway through is my dad- he was genuinely chuffed he didn’t have to stand for 8 hours to play 😂
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