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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
Not quite in the same league as Dean’s legendary badger photos but from the start of this week we’ve had 5 tiny fox cubs playing in the garden

Initially I was thinking they were cute. However, I went into my Pinshed today and the little bastards are clearly living under it. It’s a little fragrant to say the least.

Do they tend to move on or do I now just need to accept my shed smells like a mouldy sock?
Thanks. Didn’t even know such a spray existed. Just checked Amazon.

given I’m a soft touch I suspect I’ll let the cubs get a little older then spray everything.

Im pretty certain they used to live next door as the garden was totally overgrown but the landlord has used the last 4 weeks of lockdown to have builders round and blitz it (I especially enjoyed the 4 day 10 hour plus rendition of ”concerto for pneumatic drill and concrete” that we were given).

thanks again for the heads up
Yeah I'd probably do the same. Only problems I've had with foxes have involved them chasing the cat. Pigeons on the other hand are the bane of my life. I have a load of them living in the guttering at the front of the house spraying everything with poo and wrecking the 160yr old wooden guttering. A big chunk of it has already fallen down and its only a matter of time before an Amazon delivery guy gets taken out. I hear they don't like moth balls but that's making little difference.
We’ve got pigeon spikes on all the windows at the back from the previous owner. Never had a big problem though.

Last year we had three Swifts nesting in the attic. Waiting to see if they return this year as I think they are pretty territorial.

Less keen on the bee hive above my kids room but neither have been stung yet.

Had some weird 3 inch hornet come into the living room last year that scared the crap out of me. Sounded like a remote control plane. I’ve honestly never seen anything as big. Wasn’t particularly aggressive but I’ve did a sharp exit.

Regularly get parakeets in the garden.

Central London has more wildlife Than you’d figure (and I’m not even including the tube rats).
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