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Forum Upgrade #2


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
After a review of all addons etc this morning, I can confirm that we are GO for upgrade. There will be a couple of items that wont be available post upgrade, however nothing earth shattering, and most of these will be available (in most cases) soon!

Times will be as follows :

Forum close : Monday 12/8 22:00
Forum (Anticipated) re-open : Thursday 15/8 08:00

The forum will be shut between these times, however i will endevour to update progress on the "forum is closed" message, so watch this space.
It may well take less time than anticipated!

The reason for having to take the forum down in this period is because there is a big change to how a number of items interface with the core.

I will also be pruning the user database to remove anyone that hasnt visited the site in the last 5 years, to keep things fresh and updated!

Post upgrade there may be some new and exciting additions coming over coming weeks... Watch this space!

Enhancements :
  • Passwordless Logins: Enhanced security with support for passkeys.
  • Payment Enhancements: Integration with Stripe Checkout and PayPal's REST API.
  • Content Activity Log: Track metrics like view counts and reactions for better content management.
  • OAuth2 Support: Single sign-on (SSO) capabilities with OAuth2 providers.
  • Content Embedding: Improved sharing and embedding of forum content across various platforms.
  • Webhooks: Automate workflows with event-triggered actions.
  • Image Optimization: Enhanced resizing and support for WebP format for faster loading times.

Updates (when the forum is available) will be given in this thread!
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Datebase pruned to remove anyone that hasnt VISITED the forum in the last 5 years. 1125 users removed.

If i can get a head start on making a full backup, i may save a good number of hours, so will look to start this later this afternoon. Any posts made after this point may be lost in the (hopefully) unlikely event that we have to roll back.
Never a good time. I am hoping that I can get it all done overnight tonight.
Longest part is the backup - I can take a backup on the server and set it downloading in the background.

The only reason it would take more than 24 hours would be if it ALL goes pear shaped and I have to restore.

Always plan for the worst case scenario!

Have faith!!
I do hope this doesn't close until Thursday you have to realise @Paul there's a lot of communications go in and around pinfest at the moment?
Why do it before a major event? I know there's no such thing as a good time and it has to fit in with your own schedule, but unless there's a critical security issue that needs fixing, it seems to be asking for trouble.

I'd guess Mr Sod's legal representation is in favour!
Well if Paul does a crowdstrike, I've got a copy of the list of games and donators.

Please make a note of my mobile number - zero double seven one two one three five double nine zero
Loving the lack of confidence. You'll all wake up tomorrow morning wondering what all the fuss was about.....👀

In the meantime i'll just be off to bed... :rofl:

Well if Paul does a crowdstrike, I've got a copy of the list of games and donators.

Ive got the big pot of coffee on, and some lovely Apfel Rubler for the early hours when I'm celebrating.. ;)
(Backup already done and downloaded, plus a copy placed onto the host backup server - Files : 103Gb, Database : 300mb!!) :)
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I'm Done (In!).

There ya go - 5 3/4 hours.

I now have as much as I can re-installed and in place. A few things i need to sort out, however nothing that cant be done later!

Any issues/observations please let me know below - It wont be perfect, but If i dont know of the issues then I cant fix them!

Just a couple of things....

1. To change your default view (wide/narrow screen.... Side bar on left/right... that sort of thing...) please click on the little Icon below which lives at the bottom left of the screen.... looks like this :


This will allow you to change such things...


You can also clock on the Ying/Yang lookalike image to seleft light or dark mode for your default screen - whichever takes your fancy.

2. I'm currently doing a trial storing images as WebP images instead of both. This should work on all bar 4% of the worlds browsers... If you cant see any NEWLY POSTED images this might be why... Please feed back to me so i can gauge how badly this affects people!
A good example if you dont know is if you can see the two images above i had posted in the previous point above!

Think thats about it for the moment.... Any comments below please!


<Forum ON> ;) :)
I'm Done (In!).

There ya go - 5 3/4 hours.

I now have as much as I can re-installed and in place. A few things i need to sort out, however nothing that cant be done later!

Any issues/observations please let me know below - It wont be perfect, but If i dont know of the issues then I cant fix them!

Just a couple of things....

1. To change your default view (wide/narrow screen.... Side bar on left/right... that sort of thing...) please click on the little Icon below which lives at the bottom left of the screen.... looks like this :

View attachment 258536

This will allow you to change such things...

View attachment 258537

You can also clock on the Ying/Yang lookalike image to seleft light or dark mode for your default screen - whichever takes your fancy.

2. I'm currently doing a trial storing images as WebP images instead of both. This should work on all bar 4% of the worlds browsers... If you cant see any NEWLY POSTED images this might be why... Please feed back to me so i can gauge how badly this affects people!
A good example if you dont know is if you can see the two images above i had posted in the previous point above!

Think thats about it for the moment.... Any comments below please!


<Forum ON> ;) :)
Nice work! Good job that man! 💪
Congrtatz on the successful upgrade Paul.

One thing I noticed is that the old icon (a picture of a rocket) next to the new ying/yang icon to control light or dark screen is now ineffective - the screen remains in whatever mode has been selected with the ying/yang icon. You probably knew this, but logging it here in case you didn't.

This icon: Screenshot 2024-08-13 080437.webp
Congrtatz on the successful upgrade Paul.

One thing I noticed is that the old icon (a picture of a rocket) next to the new ying/yang icon to control light or dark screen is now ineffective - the screen remains in whatever mode has been selected with the ying/yang icon. You probably knew this, but logging it here in case you didn't.

This icon: View attachment 258538

Thats no rocket thats a ...
  • Haha
Reactions: JT.
Something to me just seems off since the upgrade, on the whats new page does it look different? didnt there use to be some separation between the threads instead of just a solid background?
In Pref, I have lost the ability to choose "Dark" Mode it tells me ity is Dark but its not.

Correction button at top right works.
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