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Forum Software Updates


Staff member
Oct 5, 2012
South Wales
Hi all,

Just to advise that there is a big update to the forum software that has been released. The reason this one is big is that Add-on functionality (such as Events etc etc) all have to be re-coded to work with the new release. as you can appreciate, this happens very rarely, and in fact this is only the second time this has taken place.
Now obviously this will take a little time to work through, but inevitabily some coders will have left and they will never be updated - so it'll be a case of trying to find equivalents or just not using that functionality.

Fortunately the main addons are coded by people who are here for the long run, but some smaller ones arent.

I wanted to let everyone know i'll be working on cleaning up these over the next week or so. If you see something that doesnt work - dont panic - Give it 10 mins and try again... I may have sorted it by then. If some functionality has disappeared, all being well it will be back - but i will know about it (Or at least should!).

I'm looking to take the forum down for 24 hours in a week or two to allow it to be upgraded. Just to make sure that everything works properly... in actuality if i put in the hours beforehand then it would probably only be down for 30 mins :D

Any problems, please let me know!

Realise this work will take time so I stuck my hand down the back of the sofa and made a new site donation :)

For anyone else reading Pauls post above and finding a few coins down the old sofa to help with his time in doing the upgrade, heres the link....


Hes obviously not asked for anything but I'm sure he'd appreciate the support to keep this place going :cool:
Realise this work will take time so I stuck my hand down the back of the sofa and made a new site donation :)

For anyone else reading Pauls post above and finding a few coins down the old sofa to help with his time in doing the upgrade, heres the link....


Hes obviously not asked for anything but I'm sure he'd appreciate the support to keep this place going :cool:
Searched games room sofa after being away with work for a few weeks, old takeaway chip, mini cheddars and some digestive bits found only, not even any bronze.

However this post has made me realise my supporter contribution has run out, I'll sort this out as soon as, Paul does a great job here.
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