Just a thought, but it is free to list on eBay and try your luck as a seller, why would sellers pay £10 to take a chance here?
To my mind, it would be better to charge £5 or less to enable people to post anywhere else where they may tap the wealth of knowldege this forum offers. Must admit, I am sure you all know the background stats better than me, but they seems a lack of games for sale here and there are 93 on eBay with a start price over £1,000.
Just a thought, but it is free to list on eBay and try your luck as a seller, why would sellers pay £10 to take a chance here?
To my mind, it would be better to charge £5 or less to enable people to post anywhere else where they may tap the wealth of knowldege this forum offers. Must admit, I am sure you all know the background stats better than me, but they seems a lack of games for sale here and there are 93 on eBay with a start price over £1,000.