I went along yesterday and had a great time, caught up with Sam from
@Chief and
@Dave Bishop along with a few other forum members
Electrocoin has all their pins set up quite easy, at least the volume wasn’t up too loud this year.
Good to play Stranger Things, shoots really nice, although the pro they had set up wouldn’t make the center Demon shot very easily.
Played the premium upstairs, IMO the premium is a far better machine than the pro. The projector displays onto the movie screen, ramps and targets looks the business.
The way the magnets grab the balls on the back of game is impressive as well.
I agree it is another tried and tested fan layout, but this is aimed at attracting a new breed of pinheads to the hobby and will clean up on location.
There was a lot of VR around the show and this guy in a huge Transformers outfit was doing the rounds
There was the usual new arcade games on display, this one was huge, but just another gun game
For the JP fans this is a redemption game which looked and played nice
the lineup
Premium Stranger Things
The Stern team
I also set a couple of Grand Champ scores whilst there
couple of other games I thought looked interesting