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Does this board look salvageable?

Alan Syson

Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Battery damaged Data East mpu

If so who’s best to tackle it?

Cheers, Alan.
I have done a worse one, trouble is it's always worse than it looks when you start stripping componets and cleaning the fragile traces!
Same here! (But agree that it looks salvagable....) Most of the damage is on the Grounding trace around the outside. Only a handful of components seem to be affected, however you never can tell untill you get underneath those and the sockets!

Does it actually work??? (i.e. has it been tried?). My instinct is that it will, just by looking at it.
It's whitestar I think?

It’s not my board Ronnie, trying to help someone out. Not that familiar with Stern/DE stuff but I do believe it’s whitestar which I know are pretty much unobtanium.
Same here! (But agree that it looks salvagable....) Most of the damage is on the Grounding trace around the outside. Only a handful of components seem to be affected, however you never can tell untill you get underneath those and the sockets!

Does it actually work??? (i.e. has it been tried?). My instinct is that it will, just by looking at it.

Not my machine Paul and it’s in Spain. It won’t boot.
Even offered free accommodation if I’d go over and look at it but as we have a house full of rescue animals that’s a non starter.
if it's in spain probably best to chat to the guys at STRPinball in - they undertake board repairs i believe

Paul. The board’s in my hands, machine’s at his holiday home. Guided him through board removal, sharpie/take pics etc.
Got to be easier getting it repaired here, wouldn’t have a clue who to contact and can’t speak the lingo.
Yes, it's repairable. I've repaired a lot, lot worse than that. As others have said, it is a Whitestar MPU fitted with T3 roms.

Whilst I'm not against repairing it, I prefer to have a game (or a test rig) to test it in and at the moment I have no Whitestar games (or test rig) at SWL.
If he is not in a mad rush I will do it, I have 2 Whitestar games here assuming it's compatible with Xfiles or jurassic park? I still have some parts I ordered for mine, also would advise him to order new ribbon cables just in case
Remembered I posted about this a while back with a video of the non booting machine.
The fount Peter @Moonraker correctly deduced battery damage.
Just received this from Alan , made a brief start, as you can see the ram socked is bad !


Not seen this mod before! Anyone hazard a guess?



So the rot always ends up worse than it looks as see a few tracks that will need mending!
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Cheers Paul, I have done far worse, that one drove me round the bend! But I have better tools now and more experience and you can do it in drips when your in the mood
Turns out it was salvageable thanks to @ronnie63. Video was taken after the board was put back but things still weren’t 100% but after some international toing and froing over the interweb a badly seated ribbon was found and now fully working.
Turns out it was salvageable thanks to @ronnie63. Video was taken after the board was put back but things still weren’t 100% but after some international toing and froing over the interweb a badly seated ribbon was found and now fully working.
Nice one I love a successful repair👍
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