Good idea about the power side of things, I can not see close enough on the photos but is there still a USB port for VP? Also why dont you use the stronger larger USB socket?
Yes, there is a USB mini B connector for virtual pinball, the same that I installed in DMDST32. I will check for next revision if may replace it by larger USB connector.
I think this would be better for a decent connection. The PinDMD3 uses a normal size B connector. I noticed on all Pin2DMD boards the mini one is present.
The micro/mini connectors are very weak internally and are difficult to replace by most people without good soldering skills.
Also with your new software is a SD card used? Is there no way that certain information can not be transfered via wifi or USB and stored on some kind of flash memory internally. After moving one of my games with one of the original design boards on it, the SD card fell out and it was hard to find - luckily it was in the bottom of the cabinet.
Just throwing you some ideas in to help develop the product.
I have modify design already, now with a stronger USB B connector, tomorrow I will send new design to manufacturer, I have warn that STOp production.
I assume you're just doing protos ... I'd wait for further testing / feedback and perhaps getting further with your software before getting a production batch done. Don't want too many revisions (like the ST32).
Just to say I replaced a Stern LED DMD with one of your Pin2DMD boards you sent.
It does not need the external power supply. It runs fine off the machines 5v supply.
I had display set at 30% brightness and it's perfect.
Came up in conversation recently ... would it be possible (with suitable interface) to potentially replace the LCD on a BoP 2.0 (which emulates 128x32 dots) with one of these?
That seem a custom development, to check it need technical information. I have look for it at IPDB but there is no data. If original product is based on a standar plasma DMD may be, but if its base on TFT display then no possible.
May you provide some technical data, schematic, or full features about it ??, then I may see if possible replace.
Is it really worth it for BOP Mk2 when only a few people may buy it?
Windows, as needs pinmame for 1.0
Most of the animations in BoP are high res 3D renders .. they're then downscaled and dot-ised. Doesn't make much sense to me.
Sure you don't want to go for the slightly more powerful MK66?
Looks very good - BUT what happens if you want to supply it with either 12v or 5v (say for visual pinball). Some new sterns only have 5v supply. They no longer have all the other dmd voltages? Will it take 230v directly?
Also what is the cost?
Thanks Luis - nice work!
I take it you still have to get a registration from Lucky1 for $10?
Looking forward to seeing that.I'm working just now also with design of DMD 128x16
Looking forward to seeing that.