JUNKYARD! Results:
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@David_Vi Welcome to the forum and you’re most welcome to play along with these PBFX3 tourneys. UK PinFest was fantastic wasn’t it. Miss it already. Booked my hotel room for the next one yesterday. Wayhoo!
BLACK ROSE is probably my least played and least liked real-life table currently in PBFX3. I’ve never played this table in real-life so can’t speak to that but this emulated version just seems to be hard as nails. And the sadist who picked this table for this tourney chose the rock-hard ‘tournament’ difficulty/rule set to boot. Arghhh!!!
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I do have a couple of the packs for PFX3. (I find it quite annoying they seem to be just doing the ones that were already on PA - give us some new ones !! [shakes fist])@HomerRamone Yeah, I have a Williams Collection game for PS3 and a Gottlieb one for the Wii both by FarSight. They followed these games up with THE PINBALL ARCADE, I still play TPA and STERN on my Switch along with ZACCARIA PINBALL. Unfortunately, these games are hard to drum up interest for community tourneys in my experience.
Hence why we have decided to solely focus on Zen’s PBFX3 going forward. The Williams/Bally tables look stunning and play far more realistically in PBFX3 than they do in TPA or STERN in my opinion. Just wish Zen would release more packs based on real-life tables quicker. The wait between Volume 4 and the next one is killing me.
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That sounds like a plan! Where are you located?@David_Vi Cool, my passion for this newly discovered hobby is also spreading to my wife. She joined my for the entire VIP ticket wkend last month and we intend to do the same at UK PinFest 2020. Hopefully, we can exchange pleasantries and even have a 4-player game at the event.
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@David_Vi Yep, already added you on Switch buddy. I’m West Midlands based but do have family nearer your neck of the woods, Kent yes?
If you ever fancy a trip up to TILT in Birmingham, let me know or feel free to suggest an alternative pin venue in the middle of us. Should warn you though, takes a bit of advance planning to get one of our Mothers to agree to have the kids, lol!
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@David_Vi Yep, already added you on Switch buddy. I’m West Midlands based but do have family nearer your neck of the woods, Kent yes?
If you ever fancy a trip up to TILT in Birmingham, let me know or feel free to suggest an alternative pin venue in the middle of us. Should warn you though, takes a bit of advance planning to get one of our Mothers to agree to have the kids, lol!
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@Benleigh250 Sent you a PM about Tilt, Ben, as I realised I hadn’t responded to your message about Electric Circus visit dates. Most likely see you at next year’s PinFest.
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@David_Vi Outside of PinFest, the only place I’ve managed to get out to play pinball is at Tilt. Well worth a visit.
Am intending to visit Arcade Club in Bury before the end of the year but have read comments on here in the past, that the tables are in poor condition?
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Man alive Black Rose is evil !
How many pinball machines did they have Ben @Benleigh250 ? Got a choice of going to Leeds or Manchester Arcade Club will likely go to the venue that has the most pins [emoji6]
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I did ok on the other tables.. But this one was mocking me royally.I somehow managed to fluke a 90-odd Million score and now have the bizarre experience of having my highest score for this table in the hardest difficulty setting: tournament.
Usually, on PBFX3 Williams/Bally tables. Normal is the highest, then Classic-Arcade (my preferred difficulty/physics engine) and then lowest the rock hard Tournament difficulty, lol!
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@David_Vi A loose tactic I have found helpful is to try and ‘spot letters’ by hitting the ball into the far left channel, curved lane/scoop (as we look at the playfield). Apologies, I don’t know all the correct terminology. Basically, you hit the very far left of the right flipper and you get letters added to the ‘sink ship’ and then of course sinking the ship by firing the cannon gets you a lot of points, the more you do it. No easy task aiming that cannon.
The other tip I would have - outside of tournament play as extra balls are deactivated I believe? - is try to hit the right ramp for ‘whirlpool’ as often as possible as it gives you an extra ball. This can be done quicker when you get 2-ball multi-ball.
I’m not accurate or skilled enough to do this on demand all the time but these are the aspects of the table I try to focus on. I find the video modes, whilst plentiful, a complete waste as I can seldom actually complete them: Walk the Plank being the absolute worst. Always get caught by the shark.
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