That could make for useful strategy decisions s if the tickets have to be earned in game rather than bought as DLC. Choose where to spend them them during the ball, or before the next ball.
That's the way I understood it, rather than you buying upgrades to a game, you earn 'tickets' through your gameplay and decide how to spend them - similar to in RS buying souvenirs and deciding if you want to spend points on buying them, or using your gold in GoT.
I think there are some positives with what they've released, as well as some misses.
Pinbar - could be very good, if implemented wisely, and not over used. Think of the opposition to the Stern action button, which is now on most of their games. Likewise people not liking the full screen backbox, which is now standard. I doubt the 'sharp' corners will be the final version of this, most likely a prototype.
The glass lifting system has been seen in other machines. Again it has its own pros and cons.
The speakers at the front should be able to deliver a more immersive surround sound style.
The Pinpod, basically a wooden crate, is just a complete waste. Crate won't fit through a standard door, nor likely in the majority of cars. A waste of time. money and effort.
Setting up a machine on your own could be a benefit to people with limited physical ability, but most people manage to set a game up now anyway.
Having the machine tell you what legs need raising or lowering to give the optimum angle of playfield is a big plus.
I'm amazed at the opposition to the titles they've announced, when people have been whinging about another rock themed pin, or superhero pin. People have been moaning for years that they want an original theme, yet when does come along they do nothing but say it's $h!t.
People say they want innovation and original themes, yet when it comes along the first thing they do is pick fault with it.
At the end of the day I guess any thoughts are meaningless, as the way things have gone so far with DeepRoot, I'd be amazed if they managed to get half the games out they are proposing, if indeed they manage 1.