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Data East Prices

DE games are often diminished by shocking, scratchy, artwork. Does not mean that they aren't fun to play. But most games, regardless of who made them, command weaker prices when they have crap artwork
How are the boards in Sega/DE games? Are they reliable like Williams stuff or more flakey long term?
The white star pcbs are hard to get hence so many lost world's bit the dust in the past.

Lw3 used to be the bottom line dot matrix game not because it's no good but they were so common and exporters wouldn't take data east . There is a certificate in the electricoin offices from Gary stern thanking them for 1000 sales . Had a guy walk away from one once at £150 because display had top line out.
Hook is an absolute beauty of a game, mine is fully LED'd and all rebuilt and shined up nice, best game I own by a mile. That being said it's definitely for sale ;)
When I first got into pinball machines used to come and go very quickly and I never really gave DE games a chance looking down my nose at them as many still do today but over the last 5 years or so I have revisited a lot of them and gained a new appreciation (helped a lot by Pinsound and Chad) of them, yes there are a lot of lemons but Bally Williams had a few of those as well.

DE games I hate (TFTC springs to mind) are loved by others so I would never dream of slagging them off.

Sega also have some hidden gems, I have really enjoyed Independence day, Baywatch, Frankenstein, Golden eye, Star Ship Troopers, X-files, Apollo13, Batman Forever and Godzilla (which I own and is a keeper) and hated South Park, twister and Viper Night Drivin so many more likes than dislikes.

These are my DE games that will never leave...

DE games are often diminished by shocking, scratchy, artwork. Does not mean that they aren't fun to play. But most games, regardless of who made them, command weaker prices when they have crap artwork

Tx sector has probably the worst ever translight but killer game
The last few lw3's I have seen have went around the 1200quid mark. Hard game to find in decent nick since they were all well played.
I would love a Guns and Roses or Tommy with pinsound so I could have all the great tunes.
Maybe one day but couldn't justify spending 3k on a pin so old at minute
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