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Available cast in transparent or transparent red I went with transparent that way you can use any colour flasher.
Soil masked with silly putty. Now I normally use this because it's reusable and easy to work with and normally comes off easy. This time however it was a bitch took me about an hour picking off tiny bits when I removed it. Think I'll go back to liquid latex when I do replicas one.
A light prime to show up any imperfections
Bloody thing is riddled with micro air bubbles that need filling
Crate painted and highlighted and started blocking in the wrap things
Wraps and details painted and a dark wash applied to bring out detail and drac is uncovered awaiting his turn
Various stages I think there is atleast 10 diff colours just on drac
Excellent work again Rudi ,I've got the original macfarlane figures for dracula if you need any close up pictures of the crates or dracula himself or as the werewolf I will post them up.
If you do much casting Rudi, it might be worth making yourself a pressure chamber - there's lot of different homemade types online, e.g. using an old pan or pressure-cooker as the pressure vessel, but here's the idea in a video :