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Current state of pre-built virtual cabinets in the UK


Jan 2, 2024
Hi all, I've been lurking for a few days now and I'm pretty keen to acquire a pre built vpin cabinet within the next 3-6 months (pre-built due to general cack handedness on my part) and have been doing some research, can anyone please advise if the below summary of the current environment is correct or if I've missed anything please? Generally I'm looking for something 4k 43" 120/144hz with all the bells and whistles (or a decent spec at least).

It seems in terms of quality Xtreme gaming cabinets in Oz seem to have some high regard, however the lead time is literally years now from the sounds of it plus although the original price seems reasonable there's vat/shipping on top.

There's also rec room world in the US whose ultra cabs again seem very well regarded, but are prohibitively expensive (maybe around £10k all in where I'm probably thinking more half that)

Similarly virtua pin gets mentioned quite often but again US based with shipping and vat skews very expensive.

Are there any decent UK based suppliers that can match the quality/specs of the above? Xtreme being the benchmark? Or any other options that I may be missing (that don't involve building myself) please or is the UK market just not as mature?

Thanks all for any guidance or suggestions.
Not doing anymore Vpins from scratch.... but this may be worth a read.

Arcade land ones are okay. They have improved over the last 18 months. The first ones they did had basically images of a hard drive from machine I built a long time ago, I also found wires twisted onto buttons rather than crimp luged or soldered - but from what I see they are now better and fit loads of the toys etc.

The only thing I can not comment on is the cab building quality. Beware of poorly constructed MDF machines. They need to be in ply and decent thickness. Not 12mm!!!!!! Generally pin cabs are 3/4 inch ply.

There was an awful company around called Kase-EO (or something like that). If you picked up the machine (with it on legs) you could bend the whole cab. If you had an expensive screen in it then it would be curtains.

Do not order from virtuapin or outside the uk - the carraige and VAT will add prob a couple of grand on the price.

The best thing I can say is if you want to get a cab - all the parts - all the PC gear - everything I ask for. I would put it together but would cost you about £1400 in labour.

You can download cabinet files - get someone with a CNC machine to knock it up and build it together for you.
The best thing I can say is if you want to get a cab - all the parts - all the PC gear - everything I ask for. I would put it together but would cost you about £1400 in labour.
Bargain, took me a year to build my half size one. As fun as it was to build.... immensely fun... It took ages, it seemed to take forever.
Not doing anymore Vpins from scratch.... but this may be worth a read.

Arcade land ones are okay. They have improved over the last 18 months. The first ones they did had basically images of a hard drive from machine I built a long time ago, I also found wires twisted onto buttons rather than crimp luged or soldered - but from what I see they are now better and fit loads of the toys etc.

The only thing I can not comment on is the cab building quality. Beware of poorly constructed MDF machines. They need to be in ply and decent thickness. Not 12mm!!!!!! Generally pin cabs are 3/4 inch ply.

There was an awful company around called Kase-EO (or something like that). If you picked up the machine (with it on legs) you could bend the whole cab. If you had an expensive screen in it then it would be curtains.

Do not order from virtuapin or outside the uk - the carraige and VAT will add prob a couple of grand on the price.

The best thing I can say is if you want to get a cab - all the parts - all the PC gear - everything I ask for. I would put it together but would cost you about £1400 in labour.

You can download cabinet files - get someone with a CNC machine to knock it up and build it together for you.
Thanks for the info, really useful and kind of confirms my thoughts around the off the shelf domestic offerings.

I'm keen to do some homework on your other suggestion and would be great to understand the logistics and feasibility. Is there such a thing as a standard parts list that I can take away and look at pricing up for a start? I probably have a few months to go before I make a concrete decision.

Similarly with the cab, I don't know anyone in the field but might be able to find a commercial outfit, are the files available online at all?

Conscious that I don't want to take up your time also, so if not at hand, not to worry, I'll see what I can dig up with some desktop research. Cheers again for your help so far.
V-Pins come up for sale on here so the easier option would be to keep an eye out or put up a wanted ad, unless you want the satisfaction of building it yourself.
Thanks for the info, really useful and kind of confirms my thoughts around the off the shelf domestic offerings.

I'm keen to do some homework on your other suggestion and would be great to understand the logistics and feasibility. Is there such a thing as a standard parts list that I can take away and look at pricing up for a start? I probably have a few months to go before I make a concrete decision.

Similarly with the cab, I don't know anyone in the field but might be able to find a commercial outfit, are the files available online at all?

Conscious that I don't want to take up your time also, so if not at hand, not to worry, I'll see what I can dig up with some desktop research. Cheers again for your help so far.
I’m currently doing my second 4K Vpin build.

As well as Phil’s comprehensive and invaluable advice and support I would recommend the Pinscape Cab Build Guide.

Will tell you all the basics you need to know:

V-Pins come up for sale on here so the easier option would be to keep an eye out or put up a wanted ad, unless you want the satisfaction of building it yourself.
Thanks for the heads up, will keep my eyes peeled too see what becomes available and factor this into my options.
This looks like a great resource, I'll dive in, thanks very much for posting the link.
Did you end up getting a pre built one?
I am interested in viewing the full size one at arcadeland. It looks good on video and seems to have all the extras

Any one else got any feedback?
Did you end up getting a pre built one?
I am interested in viewing the full size one at arcadeland. It looks good on video and seems to have all the extras

Any one else got any feedback?
For almost 6K getting a pre built one is very expensive (I’d also want the plunger in the correct place!). You can build one for a lot less. (And it’s half the fun). Or better a VR stubby cab is fantastic.
Absolutely shocks the hell out of me that a company making these load them with pinballfx3 tables. Even post videos and advertise the fact that they are putting them on.

To run FX3 in a pinball cab you need to apply for a 'cabinet code' from Zen that is linked to your steam account. The cabinet code allows you to split the PF/DMD/backglass images and place them how you want. He is obviously using the torrent downloaded version.

I wouldnt like to have Zen studios breathing down my neck.

It is like going to currys and buying a PC that has a dodgy version of windows in it.

There are many discussions on VP forums about people who sell cabinets with tables installed. Or people that sell USB drives full of the software on ebay. It is a little frowned upon - but legally they can not do anything. The only companies that could do are the manufacturers who own the IP and the eprom images..... In a way the whole of the vpin community is a massive IP/copyright fraud as it is.

Anyway - it is good to see him adding games, I did notice his early cabinets actually used my config files.....
To run FX3 in a pinball cab you need to apply for a 'cabinet code' from Zen that is linked to your steam account. The cabinet code allows you to split the PF/DMD/backglass images and place them how you want. He is obviously using the torrent downloaded version
He isn't I don't think anyway, when I needed his help with the one I used to have. I allowed him to remote logged into windows and I watched him login to a legit steam account online.
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Some years ago, I messed about with virtual pin. Standard ok'ish, but when you set up BAM, WOW... the real quality on a 4k ultra monitor, is truly outstanding. You an pick up a xbox sensor to track you, £10, then about £5 for the psu. I will try find my videos I made to show. I know some peeps hate this, but when you think of having hundreds of pins in 1, then also being to kind of play before you buy a real pin. Ps...much easier to clean the playfield too! :p 😅
He isn't I don't think anyway, when I needed his help with the one I used to have. I allowed him to remote logged into windows and I watched him login to a legit steam account h

You can not sell a stream account in product

Someone sent me all the hacked fx3 files but I wouldnt sell a product with it in!
Did you end up getting a pre built one?
I am interested in viewing the full size one at arcadeland. It looks good on video and seems to have all the extras

Any one else got any feedback?
Hi, I didn't, no. I parked the idea to be honest because I couldn't find anything pre-built in the UK that was exactly what I was looking for in terms of cost/quality/specification. There are some decent looking ones in the US and Australia but I couldn't stomach the import fees/shipping etc.

Making my own seems far too daunting 😀

I still check in every now and then, to check the market, but I don't think much has changed.
HI. I might consider building another one. I can do full size cab with, solenoids, actuators , 4k 43" and everything else you want. as long as you aware that it is around £5k project.

My previous machine:
Hi, I didn't, no. I parked the idea to be honest because I couldn't find anything pre-built in the UK that was exactly what I was looking for in terms of cost/quality/specification. There are some decent looking ones in the US and Australia but I couldn't stomach the import fees/shipping etc.

Making my own seems far too daunting 😀

I still check in every now and then, to check the market, but I don't think much has changed.
I'm going to take a look at these in a few months, will let you know how it turns out and if we get one
Have been contacted by someone I did a 4K build (took delivery in september).
In a stern cabinet.
He is looking at selling it on.
I can pass on number if you PM me.
The PC is very high spec......
Can not remember anything else really.
Has been a while.
Hi, I didn't, no. I parked the idea to be honest because I couldn't find anything pre-built in the UK that was exactly what I was looking for in terms of cost/quality/specification. There are some decent looking ones in the US and Australia but I couldn't stomach the import fees/shipping etc.

Making my own seems far too daunting 😀

I still check in every now and then, to check the market, but I don't think much has changed.
I went up to there unit in Stoke and checked the 32inch and full sized 4k models. The build quality was good, tidy and the machine played well with no lag and it felt and seemed likel good quality screens/components etc.
There was no lag on the board/monitors etc and everything loaded promptly.

The company were very responsive and seemed genuinely nice and caring, which is the main thing for me. I also checked out some of the facebook groups and I saw lots of good feedback/videos etc of individuals being happy with their cabinets.

I ended up ordering the 4k full size cabinet with the extra led's and third topper. With all the solenoids, knockers, blower, exciters etc it made virtual pinball much more fun than when I played this previously years ago.
The sound was also very good, nice speakers, subwoofer etc

I should get mine in 3 month's. I'll let you know how we get on if you are interested. All the best
I went up to there unit in Stoke and checked the 32inch and full sized 4k models. The build quality was good, tidy and the machine played well with no lag and it felt and seemed likel good quality screens/components etc.
There was no lag on the board/monitors etc and everything loaded promptly.

The company were very responsive and seemed genuinely nice and caring, which is the main thing for me. I also checked out some of the facebook groups and I saw lots of good feedback/videos etc of individuals being happy with their cabinets.

I ended up ordering the 4k full size cabinet with the extra led's and third topper. With all the solenoids, knockers, blower, exciters etc it made virtual pinball much more fun than when I played this previously years ago.
The sound was also very good, nice speakers, subwoofer etc

I should get mine in 3 month's. I'll let you know how we get on if you are interested. All the best
Hi, i’ll drop you a PM as i have a few questions regarding these VP
hopefully your west london 🙂
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