I'm off to see Black Sabbath in Belgium this week.
I'm sure i saw their 'farewell' tour in the late 90s, but I can't imagine Ozzie has too many years of touring left in him...
Anti nowhere league are awesome everytime I've seen them!Alice cooper will be good and I've seen the lounge kittens support steel panther
My next gig is anti nowhere league and airbourne
Then steelhouse festival
Tonight ..... NYC scuzz guitar drug freak legends Royal Trux playing Brighton
The band that famously took a massive advance from Virgin records, p*ssed the money away, then scared them so much that Virgin let them out of their contract early.Yes they are still alive and apparently sounding as gloriously messy as ever
Flaming Lips tonight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So excited ...........set everything to psych .....these guys put on one of the greatest live shows on the planet .........