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COMET bulbs - Duty and Import TAX ??


Site Supporter
Jan 23, 2019
Halifax, England
I was thinking of purchasing some COMET bulbs from US and suddenly wondered if there was additional DUTY and TAX that would be applied - anyone any experience on this. Only asking as I just purchased 3 battery boards (to replace the AA holders) in my Bally and Williams, which all together cost me £35 (+ £11 postage) and I received from Royal Mail card informing I had to pay another £31 duty!?! - I feel I need to challenge.
I've purchased watches before and have been charged (and expected) duty. But not on such a low value order. Bit hesitant about ordering bulbs now 😮
Yup you will get hit for VAT and processing fee. If you order a lot duty also. I don’t mind paying the VAT and duty but the ****ing con of a 11 quid fee gets my goat!

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Anything over £12 you will get duty unless it slips by unnoticed


Anything over £12 may get looked at and anything declared over £18 will get stopped. - Pinball bits dont get Duty on generally speaking - However they do get charged VAT (on both the item value AND postage cost).

And The RM Fee is £12 not £11.
So basically - any pinball bits (bulbs etc.) over £18 incl. postage then attracts an extra 20% charge?
I was thinking of purchasing some COMET bulbs from US and suddenly wondered if there was additional DUTY and TAX that would be applied - anyone any experience on this. Only asking as I just purchased 3 battery boards (to replace the AA holders) in my Bally and Williams, which all together cost me £35 (+ £11 postage) and I received from Royal Mail card informing I had to pay another £31 duty!?! - I feel I need to challenge.

Have a look at https://www.gov.uk/goods-sent-from-abroad/tax-and-duty

I make it £21.20 (£12 Royal Mail fee + VAT) on your previous order so don't know how they got to £31. Duty payable on orders over £135 (inc. postage).

Presumably the only pinball related thing that wouldn't have any charges would be manuals as they are rated 0% for VAT.
Bought 60 bulbs #86 for CFTBL
Got hit for £16 - £8 of that is admin charge.

Munsters topper - £93 import charge
Tilt side blades - £39 vat

seeing a pattern here :confused:
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