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Code numbers


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
This might seem a really stupid question If you are involved in programming but is there a standard convention for the code numbers that Stern use?

I’ve just seen the new Turtles code is 1.04 whereas Elvira is 0.97. Does this mean that the code for Turtles is seen as being more “complete” By the programmers?

Is version 1.0 seen as being fully Operational and numbers above this further tweaks/polishing?

Ive always assumed programmers stick an extra 0.1 on each time they revise code but then release it after several revisions which is why it jumps up in irregular numbers sometimes. So does this just mean TMNT has just had more code writing updates or is there a target they were aiming for with 1.0?

I think it is now roughly speaking. but they have a lot of other pre-release versions as I've had a couple of beta versions.
The usual method in programming is X.Y.Z, which generally corresponds to major.minor.patch:
  • Major version numbers are changed when there is a significant change to the original program. Often something that is not backward compatible.
  • Minor version numbers change when a new minor feature is introduced.
  • Patch numbers usually change when a new build of the software is released or for small bug-fixes.
Generally in software development you'll see code version expressed in the format

Major release.minor release.patch release

So 1.2.4 would be the 4th patch against minor version 2 which is part of the main release 1

Stern's format just seems to use major.minor

They also follow the approach of their 1.0 release being when they've implemented all of the planned functionality that was in scope from the original requirements. So for Elvira you could assume that being on 0.97 they still have planned features to add. Code versions after 1.0 would be for bug fixes and functionality that weren't part of the original design.

As Neil points out, the reason it seems to jump up in weird increments is because we don't see every version that development build. That could be due to bugs found in QA or possibly because they release implemented features into their test cycle over a number of builds and we only get it when the whole feature is in.
Iron man was at 1.83 for years, then they updated it to 1.85.0 & 1.86.0 very recently, inline with current numbering.

I think it also says that in the read me...

Edit: it does
- Updated to new versioning scheme
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