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Chief Coffee London

Went with @Chris P last weekend and had a good time, got a chance to play Stranger Things which I hadn't yet. When I walked in was all quiet apart from Dara O'Briain playing Deadpool with his kids! I wish I had gotten a picture but he left within about 5 minutes of me getting there. I know he's a big video game geek and general games nerd so was interesting to see a celeb playing the games! Had a short chat with Sam whilst we were there, always a great place to visit!
I chatted to Warwick Davis at EGX and cursed myself for not bringing a Star Wars pin

Oh well lifes too short ...
I was there yesterday morning before a meeting and had a great time! Had an amazing brownie with cornflakes on the top........

Pinball wasn’t bad either.........Loving Stranger Things, Deadpool and Jurassic Park. I played terrible, but that is nothing new!
We need a new thread. Whose the most famous person you’ve seen playing pinball (in real life obvs)
I really love Chief and it's incredible we can play such new releases there.

It does however really sadden me that the three WPC machines (MM, CC, MB) don't look like they have had a service in the years I've been visiting.

I'd really love to play nicely serviced setup versions of these games.

I know it takes time, and I'm sorry if this sounds ungrateful - but they would certainly take more coin if they had all their rubbers, nice flippers and were clean.
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Hey @Cookizza thanks for your feedback and being a regular!

Yes apologies they haven’t been as sparkling clean as they could be 100% of the time and minor issues not always attended to super quickly. The WPC games are heavily played day in day out for nearly 5 years so keeping in prime minty collectors condition has slipped on occasion.

CC left the pinball room about a month ago and is upstairs in my office being re-rubbered etc. MM flippers were rebuilt a few weeks ago and is playing very nicely as usual, though missing a rubber above the right sling.

MB is playing well to my knowledge but could probably do with another deep clean.

They do earn very well week in week out and I’ve had no complaints recently.

I might swap the original MM and MB out for the excellent re-makes in the future and give the old dears a well deserved rest.

You’re more than welcome (and anyone else) to email or DM me to raise any issues with any of our games and we will always try our best to fix stuff as fast as possible
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I should add re waxing. We don’t wax our games due to complaints from our regular daily players that they are too fast and difficult to play when I have done in the past. We do aim to keep them as clean and nicely playing as possible though!
Must admit while a regular I’ve not been in since ST. Really awesome to hear they’re now playing well!

thanks again for giving us pinball geeks a place to not only play rare and new pinballs but also great coffee ;)
Hey @Cookizza thanks for your feedback and being a regular!
Yes apologies they haven’t been as clean as they could be all the time and minor issues not always attended to quickly. The WPC games are heavily played day in day out for nearly 5 years so keeping them up to prime condition has slipped on occasion. CC left the pinball room about a month ago and is upstairs in my office being re-rubbered etc. MM flippers were rebuilt a few weeks ago and is playing nicely, though missing a rubber above the right sling. MB is playing well to my knowledge but could probably do with a deep clean and wax. Apologies again they have not always been up to standard. They do however earn very well week in week out and I’ve had no complaints recently. You’re more than welcome (and anyone else) to email or DM me to raise any issues with any of our games and we will always try our best to fix stuff as fast as possible

Well said! A lot of the time you have to rely on others to report issues in the first place :)
Also, please, any notes or feedback should be by PMs please, otherwise it could be taken the wrong way.. [emoji106]
All going well, i'm hoping to get down to Chief this Friday lunchtime/ afternoon as a bit of a belated birthday treat.
Cant wait as it been approx a year since I last was last there :)
Check the trains before you travel the lines may be closed on that section this weekend
Check the trains before you travel the lines may be closed on that section this weekend
They run a shuttle bus while the weekend works happen so it’s no biggie. Not sure when the track maintenance finishes but think it’s soon
Celebrity spotting - Dog the Bounty Hunter in Attack From Mars!
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