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The seeker

Oct 13, 2015
Hi folks so im thinking of going all out and buying a cg remake pin - most likely MM. Ive just been looking on pinball heaven website and noticed whilst MB and AFM is 6750 MM is 7999. Is that because it's a more popular game? Also what's people thoughts on remakes vs originals? TBH i just want a machine I can turn on time and time again without issue. How are the playfields - do they dimple? I guess id be happy to wait till 2021 for the MM tho i do hear lots of people talking about the remake not playing like the original. I think ive played on both and didn't really notice the difference but im no professional. Thoughts? Thanks
There are 3 versions of each machine - classic, special, and LE. Appears the only one in stock at present is MB classic edition, with the others available to back-order (and MM with a lengthy wait).
Go to tilt in brum after saturday and you can play all 3 remakes.....

I look after the games there and as a rule the remakes are very well built. I have just got a used MM remake. Would rather have one over an original (PERSONALLY). If you want a pinball machine that does not divot, buy a virtual pinball.
Having owned all 3 originals and all 3 remakes in either LE or SE flavour I can say you will not be disappointed with a remake.

Most recent MBse straight out of the box with no annoying issues to sort / tinker with.

All machines will get damaged by that heavy silver missile !

All machines have problems at some point, however you are less likely to get them / be carrying out routine servicing on a remake for a while if NIB / home use of course.

They just set MM at a higher price point; like it or not I'm afraid I believe.

Get a remake ordered for sure :-)
I’ve got the remake of MM.

its generally accepted that the originals are more sort after. However, the remake is likely to give you less trouble.

Dont worry about dimples. All play fields do it and you just need to wait until the whole Playfield is covered and then you no longer notice.
Having owned all 3 originals and all 3 remakes in either LE or SE flavour I can say you will not be disappointed with a remake.

Most recent MBse straight out of the box with no annoying issues to sort / tinker with.

All machines will get damaged by that heavy silver missile !

All machines have problems at some point, however you are less likely to get them / be carrying out routine servicing on a remake for a while if NIB / home use of course.

They just set MM at a higher price point; like it or not I'm afraid I believe.

Get a remake ordered for sure :)
Which was your favourite out of the 3 CGC - AFM, MM, MB?
I’ve owned all 3 originals a few times over and MB was my favourite by far but that’s just my take and the next pinhead will tell you different.
My mate has a MBrLE and it truely is a sight to behold and in another ballpark of quality from the rgb lighting, vastly improved display and detailed sculptures. In fact everything has been improved and I’m sure the others are too.
I admit they play differently and some may prefer the classics that are a lot cheaper so
as pick said go play them all and that will make your mind up for yourself which is what really counts.
I've got an AFMrLE and have been massively impressed with it so far to the point where I'd probably go for a MBr in the future. tbh you can't really go wrong with any of these games but the extras on the remake (like the massive display) really push it over the edge.
I've got AFMr (second owner) and MRr (from new) - both have been bullet proof so far. As my maintenance is 'outsourced', reliability is really important to me and I'd recommend - no interest in any NIB Sterns, but will be paying serious interest to the next from CGC.
Which was your favourite out of the 3 CGC - AFM, MM, MB?

Ummmm thats a good question and to be honest it depends what you judge them on, I suppose if I use cost, toys, game play, build refinement MB pip's the other two.
BUT for instance demolishing castles or blowing up saucers may just overrule the logic of above !

If you don't yet have a preference, play all 3 then agonise ....
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