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Bit of fun - Favourite (and hated) call-outs, shots and Animations!

After much consideration I've decided my favourite call-out is from LOTR.

Can't remember the mode but Saruman calls out "A new power is rising" whilst the Urakhai sound the battle cry in the background. There are far funnier callouts but that when it has the correct sound is epic stuff.
I always thought of Walk The Plank video mode as a joke (just pounding the buttons), but quite liked Rope Swing. Though again, I'd have liked to see the consequences of letting go too late - what is that heard rolling about? Comedy sound effect No. xx?
Black Rose is on the Williams app and, unfortunately, the Rope Swing doesn’t do anything memorably fun or interesting animation-wise :(

[My four year old LOVES Black Rose. But, then, he loves pirates].
Black Rose is on the Williams app and, unfortunately, the Rope Swing doesn’t do anything memorably fun or interesting animation-wise :(

[My four year old LOVES Black Rose. But, then, he loves pirates].
They have that at flipout,
After much consideration I've decided my favourite call-out is from LOTR.

Can't remember the mode but Saruman calls out "A new power is rising" whilst the Urakhai sound the battle cry in the background. There are far funnier callouts but that when it has the correct sound is epic stuff.
Oh yeah, I love that one! Gives me a cinematic shiver, every time!
Favourite Call out(s): He's Dead! On Walking Dead
Your most hated Call out(s): Anything on Roadshow
Favourite shot(s): Barn on TWD, Middle spinner on Godzilla, Spinner on Nine Ball, The lock shot on Xmen and loads of others
Your most hated/annoying shots): Anything on Roadshow, Any shot on a Gottlieb and anything on Creech.
Favourite: DMD?screen animation(s): Lyman loading the rifle on TWD Prison Multiball
Worst animations: Anything on TAF
A sequence with a vaguely amusing conclusion is 'Safecracker' on Judge Dredd; reaching the end reveals that it isn't a safe at all. But I found that once is enough for it.

And Whitewater, depending on difficulty, can build up the Lost Mine dialogue, beginning with "It's dark in here" and ending in a Gold Rush (not a new Stern machine, though there is an e/m by that name).
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It was in one of the tournaments I played, not my cup of tea
It's popular among small children who like pirates (speaking as a parent of a pirate-loving child) :suspect:

There's one interesting shot and it involves a cannon. So, that's a small child entertained for hours...
It's popular among small children who like pirates (speaking as a parent of a pirate-loving child) :suspect:

There's one interesting shot and it involves a cannon. So, that's a small child entertained for hours...

There's plenty of shots with the cannon, just one main one if you get to sink a ship which doesn't get boring!
I love Black Rose, it's great fun with a few satisfying shots. I've managed to sink a ship once (I usually miss the centre shot and go for the others) and it was the best feeling! Has great music as well, especially when you sink a ship. "BEAUTIFUL!"

I love it when the Black Rose animations change to have cows in them!

I played Theatre of Magic and World Cup Soccer at Blackpool over the weekend and really enjoyed them, the animations on both are great! I like the guy falling over for the secret ball lock on Theatre of Magic and the dog on World Cup Soccer!
After Blackpool, I'm going to have to get my ass in gear to turn "They're coming to get you, Barbra" into my text message alert
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"Gag me with a spoon", what the hell does that mean? It's not annoying, and I nearly love it, bit I don't understand it. Even when I know what it is, it still makes no sense..
I love Black Rose, it's great fun with a few satisfying shots. I've managed to sink a ship once (I usually miss the centre shot and go for the others) and it was the best feeling! Has great music as well, especially when you sink a ship. "BEAUTIFUL!"

I love it when the Black Rose animations change to have cows in them!

Black Rose also has an 'on playfield' (i.e. collectible without draining through an outlane) Special, which wasn't common anymore even then. The three target banks allow a Richochet* shot to glance off them all and end up in the central ball popper.

Davy Jones speaks on sinking a second ship; as far as I could make out it's "Says You".

Lots of Williams games have that 'cows' caper, thanks to a software writer who thought it necessary. One I recall on Dr. Who is for the doctor to transform with a cows' head and the word 'Oops' if the transform target is hit without enough 'credit' built up to do so properly. Often, the flipper buttons are involved with them appearing.

* It is spelled that way in the audits
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