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Bit of fun - Favourite (and hated) call-outs, shots and Animations!

Den - aka Wolfgang

Site Supporter
Oct 22, 2019
London (U.K)
Afternoon all, inspired a bit by guests mentioning their favourite shots on @Gonzo 's podcast, I thought it'd be interesting to start a thread:

Favourite Call out(s):
Your most hated Call out(s):
Favourite shot(s):
Your most hated/annoying shots):
Favourite: DMD?screen animation(s):
Worst animations:

It'd be interesting to hear if there are any callouts/shots people love but can't stand the machine and vice versa (apologies in advance if there's already a thread of this nature)

Thanks in advance; really enjoy checking in on this type of thread when on my lunch break :thumbs:

I haven't played a huge variety of pins recently apart from at the recent Flipout tournament and so my memory is a little fuzzy, but I'll kick it off with the following:

Favourite Call out(s): MET: "Jack F******" Pot!" - never get's old (to my taste most of the callouts are brilliant, but I accept that I'm biased!..). AFM + MM - Jackpots and MM: "Multiball Madness!)
Most hated Call out(s): Only one which comes to mind at the mo' is the groaning on Frankenstein; cannot stand it!...
Favourite shot(s): Left Flipper back hand to start MOP multi-ball on MET. AFM scoop shot (when collecting Extra ball). Adam's F; long shot to the back (although I've gone right off AF in recent years for some reason). MB: Final shot to start Frank Multi-B. Rollergames; the Magnet hold shot!. TOM: Shoot the Trunk
Most hated/annoying shot(s): TBC (maybe MET scoop shot whenever I'm desperate to collect an extra ball or cash in on CIU!:-)
Favourite: DMD?screen animation(s): MET: Sparky/MOP Multi-ball starts, Extra ball. MB: Frank Multi-ball start (obvs influenced Sparky MB on MET) MM: loads! TWD: Skill shot and the Samurai slice (can't remember when that happens)
Worst animations: Some of the MET animations are terrible (haven't got a colour DMD yet, but some are still crap in colour). Anything on Avatar?...
It's years since I've seen a Zaccaria Soccer Kings, but I suppose that underlines my dislike for its Game Over speech; "Concentrate on your training"*

* When I played it, anyway. Maybe it had something else for a better final score, but I'd already taken against it, and wasn't going to try finding out. In fact, I found all the speech I heard from it unlikeable.
It probably won't surprise anyone to know that @David_Vi and I quote Roadshow all the time - especially when you get the different modes. 'Look Ted, frozen people' 'I hate toll roads' 'you look like a million plus' 'now THAT's pinball' (and so on). So I'd probably have to say that's some of my favourites just because of that - it's a very quotable machine! Not really a call out but his Data East T-Rex also burps sometimes (it seems to be at random) which always makes me giggle... I swear she never used to, until recently!

Favourite shots - I played Led Zeppelin at Neil's and at Flip Out and love getting the pop up spinner, or sinking a ship in Black Rose. Both happen relatively rarely (for me at least!) so when I do it makes me feel like a CHAMPION! 😂 I also love it when I manage to get the spaceship in Attack from Mars or the castle in Medieval Madness - or really, any shots where you have to hit a 'toy' are fun for me. (I've also managed to get the ball in Red's mouth twice, which isn't exactly a 'shot' as it's mostly random, but still felt like a huge deal as it's so rare!)

Least favourite shots - David is borrowing a Pinball Magic at the moment and I swear that 'swallow the sword' and 'hit the captive ball' will haunt my nightmares forever - I only ever seem to hit it by chance, no matter how much I practice and aim...

Not sure on the DMD animations as to be honest I don't look at the screens too often when playing!

I'm sure there are lots of others that I've forgotten...
An animation (and feature for that matter) that grated with me was Catch Me If You Can on Corvette. Apart from the dubious premise, the car that the woman drives isn't fully drawn - as the scene begins, the frame slides in sideways, showing that the 'car' ends halfway down the A-pillar. A lack of time, motivation or memory space, I suppose.
David is borrowing a Pinball Magic at the moment and I swear that 'swallow the sword' and 'hit the captive ball' will haunt my nightmares forever - I only ever seem to hit it by chance, no matter how much I practice and aim...
I had forgotten just how irritating those were - thanks I now hear them all over again :rofl:

Got to say the callouts on the new Godzilla I found pretty annoying, but that was only from a video.

Best shots - saucer in AFM, Catapult in MM, multiple ramps in sequence on MET

Always liked 'I am Merlin wise and old listen up to what you're told' on MM and the jackpot callouts on LOTR
Favourite Call out(s): MET - “You are the Master” + Tron - All the girls call outs 😅
Your most hated Call out(s): BKSOR “Run home to mommy” 😬
Favourite shot(s): MET ramps + Grave marker on Prem rising cross
Your most hated/annoying shots): Kiss - right ramp
Favourite: DMD?screen animation(s): MET - shoot again + BM66 Brace for Bat Turn
Worst animations: Aerosmith- Dude looks like a lady …FFS!
Best use of call outs
JJP POTC Arr Frenzy,
Invalid Frenzy - JP2
Brilliant when you've got balls in the pops then hit the spinner.

Worst call outs ever
Anything off Hook

Worst/most frustrating shot
SJP IMdn, especially when it's needed to end a 6 way combo.

Most rewarding shot/shots (no need to name the machine)
As the 2 balls release, 2 quick shots up the centre ramp, then both up the left ramp, followed by 1 back up the centre ramp - BILLION. Although I think that combo should actually be worth 2 Bil, rather than flailing around before locking the 2 balls.
Fav call out: Bulls#%t on Stranger Things
Worst Call out - LOTR Soul switch’s!

Best shot: Black Panther to Avengers Tower Combo when you’re on the left flipper on final soul gem shot.
Worst Shot: There isn’t one, bad workman blames his tools etc

Best DMD animation: Judge Dredd pi#%ing dog.
Worst DMD animation: Any colour LED ones (NOT LCD) as it hurts my eyes!
Favourite Call out(s):
all the quotes on Williams INDY JONES , Scotty on DE ST - "We have FULL power!"
Your most hated Call out(s):
T3 - shoot here and here and SF2 - use the flipper (from the ministry of the bleedin obvious) . your takin too long from eight ball champ was peeing us all off tonite. cheeky git!
Favourite shot(s):
long payoff shots like multiball launch on F14 (and in a same place on centaur. top flipper ramp shots that started with high speed and are now a stern mainstay. insanity falls on WH20
Your most hated/annoying shots):
i love my taxi but the near impossible ramps shots really grinds my gears.
Favourite: DMD?screen animation(s):
the peeping tom video mode on CFTBL is still awesome.
Worst animations:
some early stuff has dated badly like the video modes on black rose . nothing looks good on the early data east narrow dot matrix
The first time you hear certain callouts are always the best

The whisper of "join the circus" On Cirqus Voltaire, will always be my all time fav, i still remember the shivers it gave me.

"To WAaaaaAArrrrRR" on LOTR is also a fav. Also, the combo chimes of Tron for some reason.?

The hated? All callouts from TAF, Several from TZ, and the 'ghoulish/ghostly' male voice from Scared Stiff.
Some good comments! From the above, it looks like I need to get in to Visual Pinball again and play some more Road Show and LOTR (bit gutted I didn't play more of LOTR when it was still at flipout:-)

Another MET callout which comes to mind is "Fry Mutha F#####!" classic :D - I love that you don't get the same callout every time with Sparky MB too; that one seems to only come around every once and a while.
Beat the Clock can take time (pun not intended) to get used to, but I actually preferred the Bell Games copy of 8B D/L, since it didn't speak. Not as I recall, anyway.
Any shot that I've aimed for and actually made is my favourite😄
Not really a shot but annoying as feck is left sling, right sling, left outlane... and vice versa.
Also when the ball does a jig at the top of the inlane then jumps into the outlane. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth!!!🙂
Any shot that I've aimed for and actually made is my favourite😄
Not really a shot but annoying as feck is left sling, right sling, left outlane... and vice versa.
Also when the ball does a jig at the top of the inlane then jumps into the outlane. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth!!!🙂
Totally agree on this!:-) - apart from not being great, this is probably 80% of my drains on MET - apparently a lot of John Borg games have many left out-lane drains?
I guess it makes the thrill of having a really good game that much more exciting when you don't come a cropper to these things and why I end up hitting start again straight away after swearing at the machine he he
Some good comments! From the above, it looks like I need to get in to Visual Pinball again and play some more Road Show and LOTR (bit gutted I didn't play more of LOTR when it was still at flipout:-)

Another MET callout which comes to mind is "Fry Mutha F#####!" classic :D - I love that you don't get the same callout every time with Sparky MB too; that one seems to only come around every once and a while.

My Road Show likes being played, whenever you're near Sudbury Suffolk 😂
Is there a decent Road Show for Visual pinball? I only ever played the Pinball Fx3 which is great but plays really hard.
Pinball arcade had one but that's a bit ugly and dated.
My Road Show likes being played, whenever you're near Sudbury Suffolk 😂
Is there a decent Road Show for Visual pinball? I only ever played the Pinball Fx3 which is great but plays really hard.
Pinball arcade had one but that's a bit ugly and dated.
Sure! cheers mate - if I'm ever in the area I'll shout!
It's been a while since I've played Roadshow in Visual Pinball, but I'd imagine the most recent Visual Pinball X version is pretty good (Hopefully this weekend I'll get time to play a bit - will report back; just need to set up a TATE monitor now I don't have a V-Cab anymore). I agree re; the PBFX3 version - seemed a bit more difficult than a real machine (on the Classic setting or whatever the proper physics setting is). I've been a bit disappointed with the Williams PBFX 3 packs in general - Could tell Zen put a lot of effort in to AFM and Monster Bash and CFTBL, but PBFX3 just feels a bit bland in general, lighting wise compared to Visual Pinball X (which is ironic, as the lighting is baked in for the most part on VPX)
Two of the pins I wanted most and ended up keeping for the shortest time. TAF - I'm sorry but all those call outs get super annoying fast. TOM - Shoot the Trunk...I'm shooting the ****ing trunk!
Sure! cheers mate - if I'm ever in the area I'll shout!
It's been a while since I've played Roadshow in Visual Pinball, but I'd imagine the most recent Visual Pinball X version is pretty good (Hopefully this weekend I'll get time to play a bit - will report back; just need to set up a TATE monitor now I don't have a V-Cab anymore). I agree re; the PBFX3 version - seemed a bit more difficult than a real machine (on the Classic setting or whatever the proper physics setting is). I've been a bit disappointed with the Williams PBFX 3 packs in general - Could tell Zen put a lot of effort in to AFM and Monster Bash and CFTBL, but PBFX3 just feels a bit bland in general, lighting wise compared to Visual Pinball X (which is ironic, as the lighting is baked in for the most part on VPX)

I only recently got into VPX, only on desktop though. (I do wish there was an easier way to set up a user interface for desktop, then again opening the pins via Windows explorer or vpx isn't that bad).

I only found an old RS version which was amusing to look at.

Fx3 is more polished and I'm more used to the physics on some tables whereas vpx's physics vary and some tables behave really weird compared to the real versions I've played.

Kinda off topic 😑sorry all
Favourite Call out(s): FT “look, papa, water skiers!” “You gonna talk or you gonna fish?” “you’re not going to eat that, are you?” “It’s the biggest fish I ever seen” (in drawling redneck accent). Also, Monster Bash “I hope this monster is as studly as you, doctor” and my son and I like shouting, in chorus, “IT’S ALIVE!” (my son also likes yelling “I am the King of Payne” and “I am the Ringmaster: defeat me for the Ringmaster marvel!”)
Your most hated Call out(s): LOTR “I will take the ring to Mordor, but alas I do not know the way” (I’ve heard it about 5 billion times now and it became annoying after about 5)
Favourite shot(s): shooting the MM castle and the ST demigorgon’s ‘face’.The FT boat ramps (the reason I bought FT) and the Hurricane loop in Hurricane,
Your most hated/annoying shots): everything in Deadpool.
Favourite: DMD?screen animation(s): the FT monster fish playing a drum kit.
Worst animations: The video modes in Black Rose. They’ve not dated well.
Re. Black Rose, it's most likely to be time taken and memory space limitation, but I've only ever seen the same Sink Ship routine. Okay, casual players would be pushed to manage more than one, but couldn't it differ somehow, such as exploding completely? I should have asked the top scorer at Quasar Ladbroke Grove about it, who'd recorded eight sinkings (the total just for those must've been 440 million, if it's a linear progression).

I always thought of Walk The Plank video mode as a joke (just pounding the buttons), but quite liked Rope Swing. Though again, I'd have liked to see the consequences of letting go too late - what is that heard rolling about? Comedy sound effect No. xx?
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