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Baywatch Appreciation Society (BAPS)


Site Supporter
Sep 22, 2016
West Dorset
Andy Hug
Someone had to do it. @Sgt GrizZ is the founder of this elite club. He's been telling everyone how great Baywatch is for 10+ years. Tbf he has also been telling everyone how great Popeye is so caution may have been advisable. Anyway, here's a thread for Sega's greatest game inspired by the pick up of my second Baywatch (big thanks to @Asiapinball for that). I've made a Youtube video detailing it with gameplay and everything....

🎶 I'll be reeeeeeeaddddy 🎶
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Yessssss Andy. I’d very much like to be a member of BAPS. I’ll send a stamped addressed envelope if you’d be so kind as to send me my membership badge.
I would very much like to join BAPS but I have my hands full.

Being chairman of the Aerosmith Regional Seasonal Event team has taken up a lot of time.

This workload will only increase once the inaugural meeting of the Cactus Union National Trust Society has been held.

I would like to wish everyone involved with BAPS the very breast of luck.
Just made it to Earthquake for the first time. Had no idea what was going to happen, long ball save multiball with tower locks scoring huge points. Super fun mode!
I would also like to join BAPS, although I’ll never own the real pin, it’s a big favourite of mine, and it’s played regularly on my vpin, great fun, with satisfying shots.
Even managed to beat my pb last night
Fingers crossed there’s one at pinfest next year 🤞


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Working on mine today and the playfield dropped down into the cabinet whilst trying to use the prop for the first time . I was very lucky as i caught it before it went fully down and the only damage was to the watch tower knocking the hand rails off. Fortunately they are only glued on so a few blobs of glue and sorted. Thats me never using the prop agin
Working on mine today and the playfield dropped down into the cabinet whilst trying to use the prop for the first time . I was very lucky as i caught it before it went fully down and the only damage was to the watch tower knocking the hand rails off. Fortunately they are only glued on so a few blobs of glue and sorted. Thats me never using the prop agin
Yeah never use the prop arm on BW.
@robotgreg has a tale about that 🤣.
My baywatch has developed a slightly sticky left lower flipper ie when you depress the button it will remain up like 1sec then drop. The flipper mechanically is fine deffo no sticking or anything but I think the EOS switch might not be quite right. It seamed like it was never closed so always open circuit. So I adjusted it so it should now be closed by default and opens once the flipper is fully up. It sort of has helped ie does not stick as much but still not super snappy like right flipper. Is there a specific rule on setting these EOS switches and if not right can it cause this issue? Or am I looking in wrong place?
My baywatch has developed a slightly sticky left lower flipper ie when you depress the button it will remain up like 1sec then drop. The flipper mechanically is fine deffo no sticking or anything but I think the EOS switch might not be quite right. It seamed like it was never closed so always open circuit. So I adjusted it so it should now be closed by default and opens once the flipper is fully up. It sort of has helped ie does not stick as much but still not super snappy like right flipper. Is there a specific rule on setting these EOS switches and if not right can it cause this issue? Or am I looking in wrong place?

Been a long time since I had a Baywatch but I think it has solid state flippers so if you're sure it's not mechanical then have a look at the flipper boards in the bottom left wall of the cab 👍
Sometimes the little red plastic screw cover that activates the eos switch gets worn and provides a bit too much friction against the switch or catches for a second like you describe. Lift the playfield machine turned off and activate by hand to see it it is smooth operation mechanically.
Yeah moving flipper by hand it’s super smooth no sticking, the sticking is deffo caused by the coil not releasing the second you depress the button somehow.

Ah so is this red thing meant to break open the EOS switch like pretty much as the flipper reaches it’s up position? Not before?
Yes the red plastic top is so you don't have metal bolt on metal switch and make sure operation remains smooth and should open switch just as flipper is at top of stroke. Williams have similar on their mechanisms that looks like heat shrink tube and probably is. I use heat shrink to replace on williams if worn but on sega you just have to replace the red caps.
And the eos switch tells the mpu that the flipper is fully up and in hold so it reduces power when in hold. If eos switch not operational you can fry the coil if you keep in hold so very important to have them working properly.
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