It sounds like you're making progress, Alan, not that I fully understand the work involved. Mention of Stern games reminds me that their first game with 7-digit scoring, Big Game, made sure that everyone realised by writing 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 on the score displays, starting from the left, then changing to all 7's and flashing the displays a few times. It must've even been mentioned in the 'general operation' page of the manual - as so often with manuals, it was still there for a subsequent game, Cheetah, though it was a one game only thing. And with showing the highest score at the beginning of the last ball, I'm not sure if all the earlier 6-digit games did that, Wild Fyre (and Dracula) didn't.
With the self test, leaving it by stepping through the audit functions or simply by switching off has the same result, a repeat of the power-up test. Would that serve to show an end of test, i.e. the start of the 7-flash routine (pun non intended) could start/restart your additional components?
Hi thanks for the info.
I have managed to detect when the machine goes into self test mode. it's a bit trickier to figure out when the self test mode has been exited. I am working on it though. Even though the machine reboots, because I am only hooked into the score display data,
my arduino still has power so is running whilst the main mpu reboots. I really don't want to have another connector onto the mpu board - as I already have 2 - but yes it would be nice to reboot my device at the same time. I'll see if I can get the software to handle it first.
Good progress today. I can now run a game and it will display my new HSTD, which now counts the rollover from 999,999 to 1 million. it will keep score up to 9,999,999 now before resetting. (I could make it go further but cant see the point in going to 8 digits!!
I've also added in a facility to reset the new 7 digit HSTD, because the reset in the std Self-Test red button menu is only resetting the MPU stored 6 digit HSTD.
I've been testing this all out on a single machine - Gold Ball - plan is to get it to a working state and then test on my other 6 digit bally and stern machines. Still a long way to go:
To do next:
1. Build some 7 digit displays that will work with the 6 digit wiring
2. Do a ton more testing on the current code, then alter that code to work with the new 7 digit display controllers.
3. Write the save to memory for the new HSTD and read from memory on startup - At the moment it loses the new 7 digit HSTD when powered off.
4. Refine the hardware board - at present it only connects to the J1 on the MPU board - which is where the score data is output, but I also need to pick up a 5v supply. I could get this off J4 which is the main power in, but have a couple of other ideas? 1. I could 'cheat' and use croc clip leads to the GND and +5v test points. But that is a stinky solution. There is also Gnd and 5v on the J5 at the top of the MPU, looks like I could also tap into one of the other pins there to reboot my device