The whole upper playfield on vector is a complete design fook up. So I now can understand this whole 3" v 2" flipper debate. There is a reason for this confusion and I don't know of any other game where similar confusion exists.
The upper playfield is simply too small and fiddly yet has three ramps leading to it and a fourth way in too, from above. Had this game been wide body, it would be a highly collectible classic and people would talk of this game with the same reverence as fathom and centaur. It has so many awesome features, literally more features than any game of the era. 5 saucers, 9 drops (6 with individual solenoid control), 4 flippers, superb nudging outlanes into the saucers, most speech of a game of this era, playfield electronic display, timed speed shot, double back glass, figure of 8 shooter loop, superb art, they even squeezed a pop bumper in. But there just isn't room, it is like putting a v12 in a fiat 500, it just does not fit.
Now I am used to the game, I would say
1 the small flipper looks miles better in place than the big one on the upper field
2 the upperr left flipper is virtually pointless, other than knocking the defenders down, and I don't think you can use it to get on the upper playfield anyway. I don't think this should influence what sized flipper you use in the top
3 you can weaken the upper playfield flipper by using a weaker coil and aggressively adjusting the EOS switch. I did both even with my small flipper
4 I am wondering about putting the full sized flipper back, as the little flipper does virtually bugger all. And the upper playfield does bugger all anyway. So it will be a marginal call. You need to keep the ball in the upper playfield and with the tiny area, 3 exits, pop bumper and little flipper it is hard to display any skill up here
So I think the game will look better with the small one. But play better with the big one. So for me it is a case of try both and make a personal choice which of the bad options is least bad